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Publications in VIVO

Stephens, Pamela Anne





courses taught

  • ATOC 3070 - Introduction to Oceanography
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores Earth's dynamic oceans. Discusses the disciplines of oceanography including marine geology, chemistry, biology and physical oceanography with emphasis on global change. Specific topics may include: tectonics, currents, biogeochemical cycles, ecology and global warming. Recommended prerequisite: any 1000-level ATOC or GEOL course or ATOC major. Same as GEOL 3070.
  • GEOL 1010 - Exploring Earth
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2022
    Introductory geology for majors and non-majors. Studies Earth, its materials, its characteristics, its dynamic processes, and how it relates to people. Separate lab (GEOL 1030) is recommended. Degree credit not granted for both GEOL 1010 and GEOL 1012.
  • GEOL 1020 - Dodos, Dinos, and Deinococcus: The History of a Habitable Planet
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Examines how the solid, fluid, and living Earth interact, how changes in the oceans, atmosphere and life reflect that interaction over the immensity of geologic time, and how the rock record is analyzed to reconstruct the co-evolution of Earth and life.
  • GEOL 1040 - Geology of Colorado
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2024
    Reviews the geologic evolution and history of Colorado. It first develops the basic concepts needed to interpret the geology and then systematically shows how the state evolved through geologic time. Designed for those who enjoy understanding the beauty and splendor of the state.
  • GEOL 3070 - Introduction to Oceanography
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores Earth's dynamic oceans. Discusses the disciplines of oceanography including marine geology, chemistry, biology and physical oceanography with emphasis on global change. Specific topics may include: tectonics, currents, biogeochemical cycles, ecology and global warming. Recommended prerequisite: any 1000-level ATOC or GEOL course or ATOC major. Same as ATOC 3070.
  • GEOL 3410 - Paleobiology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Surveys morphology, ecology and evolution of ancient animal and plant life and their interactions on Earth. Fossils used to solve geological and biological problems. Department enforced prerequisites: GEOL 1010 and GEOL 1020 or GEOL 2005 or EBIO 1030 and EBIO 1040 or EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220.