(White, James William Carl - 2016) -- Robert L. Stearns Award
Climatologist Jim White is a trailblazing research scientist who couples deep expertise with broad interests in climate and the environment. He has been a member of deep ice coring projects in Greenland and Antarctica and is an affiliate of NOAA, working closely with the Carbon Cycle Group there. His scholarship has deepened our understanding of the global carbon cycle, reconstructed ancient environments and illuminated the degree to which plants can absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. A committed citizen of CU Boulder, he launched the Environmental Studies Program, has guided faculty searches inside the sciences and out and has earned a reputation for sound judgment and cool-headedness. He also led development of the campus’s new Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex. Despite White’s exalted stature among researchers, he routinely teaches undergraduate courses, including “Introduction to Environmental Studies,” and speaks at middle and high schools, public libraries and retirement homes.