research overview Professor's Nagel's research focuses on constititutional law as an aspect of American political culture.
keywords constitutional law; free speech, federalism, and judicial review as aspects of American political culture
selected publications book The implosion of American federalism 2001 Judicial power and American character: censoring ourselves in an anxious age 1994 journal article Marriage and Practical Knowledge.. South Texas law review. 37-43. 2008 A Response to Professor Bix.. San Diego Law Review. 835-839. 2005 Diversity and the practice of interest assessment. Duke Law Journal. 1515-1536. 2004 Six opinions by Mr. Justice Stevens: a new methodology for constitutional cases?. Chicago - Kent Law Review. 509-530. 2003 Marbury v. Madison and modern judicial review.. Wake Forest Law Review. 613-633. 2003 Nationalized political discourse. Fordham Law Review. 2057-2072. 2001 Judges and federalism: a comment on “Justice Kennedy's vision of federalism”.. Rutgers Law Journal. 825-831. 2000 Indirect constitutional discourse: a comment on Meese.. Law and Contemporary Problems. 507-511. 2000 Privacy and celebrity: an essay on the nationalization of intimacy.. University of Richmond law review. University of Richmond. 1121-1142. 2000 Lies and law.. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. 607-617. 1999 Will the Brennan legacy endure? {panel discussion} /. New York Law School Law Review. 177-194. 1999 Introduction: symposium on constitutional elitism.. McGeorge Law Review. 95-96. 1998 Judicial supremacy and the settlement function.. William and Mary Law Review. 849-864. 1998 Utilitarianism left and right: a response to Professor Armour.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 1201-1208. 1997 Real revolution.. Georgia State University law review. 985-1008. 1997 Playing defense.. William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal. 167-199. 1997 The Term Limits {U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 115 S. Ct. 1842 (1995)} dissent: what nerve.. Arizona law review. 843-857. 1996 Progress and constitutionalism.. Michigan Law Review. 1495-1509. 1996 The future of federalism.. Case Western Reserve law review. 643-661. 1996 A comment on “constitutional rights as public goods”.. Denver University law review. 889-891. 1995 Terminator 2.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 843-847. 1994 DISAGREEMENT AND INTERPRETATION. Law and Contemporary Problems. 11-33. 1993 NAME-CALLING AND THE CLEAR ERROR RULE. Northwestern University Law Review. 193-211. 1993 Progressive free speech and the uneasy case for campus hate codes.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 1055-1059. 1993 Liberals and balancing.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 319-324. 1992 The Thomas hearings: watching ourselves.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 945-952. 1992 Unfocused governmental interests.. Albany Law Review. 573-582. 1992 Meeting the enemy.. University of Chicago Law Review. 633-656. 1990 ADVICE, CONSENT, AND INFLUENCE. Northwestern University Law Review. 858-875. 1990 Political pressure and judging in constitutional cases.. University of Colorado law review. University of Colorado (Boulder campus). School of Law. 685-701. 1990 Constitutional doctrine and political direction.. Trial (Boston, Mass.). 72. 1989 Forgetting the constitution.. Constitutional Commentary. 289-298. 1989 POLITICAL LAW, LEGALISTIC POLITICS - A RECENT HISTORY OF THE POLITICAL QUESTION DOCTRINE. University of Chicago Law Review. 643-669. 1989 A comment on the rule of law model of separation of powers.. William and Mary Law Review. 355-364. 1989 Teaching tolerance.. California law review. 1571-1583. 1987 A comment on democratic constitutionalism.. Tulane law review. 1027-1040. 1987 Rationalism in constitutional law.. Constitutional Commentary. 9-24. 1987 The legislative veto, the constitution, and the courts.. Constitutional Commentary. 61-72. 1986 THE FORMULAIC CONSTITUTION. Michigan Law Review. 165-212. 1985 Controlling the structural injunction.. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. 395-411. 1984 HOW USEFUL IS JUDICIAL-REVIEW IN FREE SPEECH CASES. Cornell Law Review. 302-340. 1984 INVISIBLE TEACHERS - A COMMENT ON PERCEPTIONS IN THE CLASSROOM. Journal of Legal Education. 357-361. 1982 Federalism as a fundamental value: National League of Cities {National League of Cities v. Usery, 96 S. Ct. 2465 (1976)} in perspective.. Supreme Court Review. 81-109. 1981 ... more