selected publications
- Snow: Hydrological and Ecological Feedbacks in Forests. Ecological Studies. 541-555. 2011
- Climate-Lake Interactions. 139-160. 2008
- Interannual Variability of the Thermal Components and Bulk Heat Exchange of Great Slave Lake. 197-219. 2008
- The Time Scales of Evaporation from Great Slave Lake. 181-196. 2008
conference proceeding
- The estimation the Great Lakes net basin supply: implications for water level fluctuations. Proceedings of SPIE. 999815-999815. 2016
- Decade of Changing Net Radiation over a Large Lake: Remote Sensing Approach for Water-Atmosphere Parameterizations. 2016
- A decade of changing surface energy balance components over a large water region. Proceedings of SPIE. 2016
- How representative is a point? The spatial variability of flux measurements across short distances. Iahs Publication. 210-+. 2010
journal article
- Identifying Canopy Snow in Subalpine Forests: A Comparative Study of Methods. Water Resources Research. 2025
- Lake Superior evaporation: A long-term eddy covariance dataset at Stannard Rock Lighthouse (2008-2022). Scientific Data. 2024
- Energy‐Water Asynchrony Principally Determines Water Available for Runoff From Snowmelt in Continental Montane Forests. Hydrological Processes. 2024
- Forest carbon uptake as influenced by snowpack and length of photosynthesis season in seasonally snow-covered forests of North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2024
- Phenology of Photosynthesis in Winter-Dormant Temperate and Boreal Forests: Long-Term Observations From Flux Towers and Quantitative Evaluation of Phenology Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2024
- Snow-corrected vegetation indices for improved gross primary productivity assessment in North American evergreen forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence detects photosynthesis variations and drought effects in tropical rubber plantation and natural deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2023
- Bark beetle impacts on forest evapotranspiration and its partitioning. Science of the Total Environment. 2023
- Diel, seasonal, and inter-annual variation in carbon dioxide effluxes from lakes and reservoirs. Environmental Research Letters. 034046-034046. 2023
- Controls and rates of evaporation from a water supply reservoir in the Colorado Front Range. Journal of Hydrology. 2023
- Characteristics of extreme daily precipitation events over the Canadian Arctic. International Journal of Climatology. 10353-10372. 2022
- Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget. Nature Communications. 2022
- Diel to interannual variation in carbon dioxide emissions from lakes and reservoirs 2022
- Carbon and Water Cycling in Two Rubber Plantations and a Natural Forest in Mainland Southeast Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2022
- Gross primary production (GPP) and red solar induced fluorescence (SIF) respond differently to light and seasonal environmental conditions in a subalpine conifer forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022
- Coupling of Tree Growth and Photosynthetic Carbon Uptake Across Six North American Forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2022
- Challenges and Capabilities in Estimating Snow Mass Intercepted in Conifer Canopies With Tree Sway Monitoring. Water Resources Research. 2022
- Surface energy balance closure at ten sites over the Tibetan Plateau (vol 259, pg 317, 2018). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022
- Atmospheric Sciences Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science. Earth and Space Science. 2022
- Resolving temperature limitation on spring productivity in an evergreen conifer forest using a model-data fusion framework. Biogeosciences. 541-558. 2022
- Atmospheric Sciences Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science 2022
- Site Characteristics Mediate the Relationship Between Forest Productivity and Satellite Measured Solar Induced Fluorescence. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2021
- Seasonality in aerodynamic resistance across a range of North American ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2021
- The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function. Nature. 468-+. 2021
- The effect of static pressure-wind covariance on vertical carbon dioxide exchange at a windy subalpine forest site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2021
- Snowfall in the Northern Great Lakes: Lessons Learned from a Multisensor Observatory. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E1317-E1339. 2021
- New insights into diel to interannual variation in carbon dioxide emissions from lakes and reservoirs 2021
- Resolving temperature limitation on spring productivity in an evergreen conifer forest using a model-data fusion framework. Biogeosciences Discussions. 2021
- Supplementary material to "Resolving temperature limitation on spring productivity in an evergreen conifer forest using a model-data fusion framework". Biogeosciences Discussions. 2021
- Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance flux footprints for areas surrounding AmeriFlux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2021
- On thin ice: Linking elevation and long-term losses of lake ice cover. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 77-84. 2021
- Temperature thresholds of ecosystem respiration at a global scale. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 487-+. 2021
- Seasonal variation in the canopy color of temperate evergreen conifer forests. New Phytologist. 2586-2600. 2021
- The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data (vol 7, 225, 2020). Scientific Data. 2021
- Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology. 6916-6930. 2020
- Montane forest productivity across a semiarid climatic gradient. Global Change Biology. 6945-6958. 2020
- Hillslope Hydrology Influences the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Remotely Sensed Ecosystem Productivity. Water Resources Research. 2020
- Decomposing reflectance spectra to track gross primary production in a subalpine evergreen forest. Biogeosciences. 4523-4544. 2020
- Wide discrepancies in the magnitude and direction of modeled solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in response to light conditions. Biogeosciences. 3733-3755. 2020
- The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data. 2020
- Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change. 555-+. 2020
- Characterizing and Constraining Uncertainty Associated with Surface and Boundary Layer Turbulent Fluxes in Simulations of Lake-Effect Snowfall. Weather and Forecasting. 467-488. 2020
- Decomposing reflectance spectra to track gross primary production in a subalpine evergreen forest 2020
- Supplementary material to "Decomposing reflectance spectra to track gross primary production in a subalpine evergreen forest" 2020
- Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 1351-1365. 2019
- Sustained Nonphotochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2005-2020. 2019
- Mechanistic evidence for tracking the seasonality of photosynthesis with solar-induced fluorescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 11640-11645. 2019
- Evidence for non-steady-state carbon emissions from snow-scoured alpine tundra. Nature Communications. 2019
- Evaluating and improving modeled turbulent heat fluxes across the North American Great Lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 5559-5578. 2018
- Spatiotemporal Consistency of Four Gross Primary Production Products and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Response to Climate Extremes Across CONUS in 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 3140-3161. 2018
- Temporal Dynamics of Aerodynamic Canopy Height Derived From Eddy Covariance Momentum Flux Data Across North American Flux Networks. Geophysical Research Letters. 9275-9287. 2018
- Surface energy balance closure at ten sites over the Tibetan plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 317-328. 2018
- Solar-Induced Fluorescence Detects Interannual Variation in Gross Primary Production of Coniferous Forests in the Western United States. Geophysical Research Letters. 7184-7193. 2018
- Enhanced Temperature-Humidity Similarity Caused by Entrainment Processes With Increased Wind Shear. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 4110-4121. 2018
- Limitations to winter and spring photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 241-255. 2018
- A Comparison of the Diel Cycle of Modeled and Measured Latent Heat Flux During the Warm Season in a Colorado Subalpine Forest. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 617-651. 2018
- RESERVOIR EVAPORATION IN THE WESTERN UNITED STATES: Current Science, Challenges, and Future Needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 167-188. 2018
- Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools, and turnover in temperate forests. Geoscientific Model Development. 3499-3517. 2017
- Reservoir Evaporation in the Western United States: Current Science, Challenges, and Future Needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2017
- Reservoir Evaporation in the Western United States: Current Science, Challenges, and Future Needs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2017
- Ecosystem function in complex mountain terrain: Combining models and long-term observations to advance process-based understanding. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 825-845. 2017
- The Estimation of the North American Great Lakes Turbulent Fluxes Using Satellite Remote Sensing and MERRA Reanalysis Data. Remote Sensing. 2017
- Estimating the Great Lakes net radiation using satellite remote sensing and MERRA reanalysis. International Journal of Digital Earth: a new journal for a new vision. 764-784. 2017
- Predicting a Great Lake's Response to a Warm Winter. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2016
- The increasing importance of atmospheric demand for ecosystem water and carbon fluxes. Nature Climate Change. 1023-1027. 2016
- The Niwot Ridge Subalpine Forest US-NR1 AmeriFlux site - Part 1: Data acquisition and site record-keeping. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. 2016
- Short-term favorable weather conditions are an important control of interannual variability in carbon and water fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2186-2198. 2016
- Assessment and simulation of global terrestrial latent heat flux by synthesis of CMIP5 climate models and surface eddy covariance observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 151-167. 2016
- Convergent approaches to determine an ecosystem's transpiration fraction. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: an international journal of global change. 933-951. 2016
- Terrestrial carbon balance in a drier world: the effects of water availability in southwestern North America. Global Change Biology. 1867-1879. 2016
- Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 1045-1072. 2016
- Optimizing Available Network Resources to Address Questions in Environmental Biogeochemistry. Bioscience. 317-326. 2016
- Remote Sensing of the North American Laurentian Great Lakes' Surface Temperature. Remote Sensing. 2016
- Wet meadow ecosystems contribute the majority of overwinter soil respiration from snow-scoured alpine tundra. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 1118-1130. 2016
- New Interest in Reservoir Evaporation in Western United States. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2016
- Direct and indirect effects of climatic variations on the interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange across terrestrial ecosystems. Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. 2016
- Optimization of an enclosed gas analyzer sampling system for measuring eddy covariance fluxes of H2O and CO2. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 1341-1359. 2016
- Rainfall interception and the coupled surface water and energy balance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 402-415. 2015
- Contrasting long-term alpine and subalpine precipitation trends in a mid-latitude North American mountain system, Colorado Front Range, USA. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 607-624. 2015
- Fluxes of energy, water, and carbon dioxide from mountain ecosystems at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Plant Ecology and Diversity. 663-676. 2015
- The relative contributions of alpine and subalpine ecosystems to the water balance of a mountainous, headwater catchment. Hydrological Processes. 4794-4808. 2015
- Soil respiration variability across a soil moisture and vegetation community gradient within a snow-scoured alpine meadow. Biogeochemistry: an international journal. 185-202. 2015
- Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variability in carbon fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 11-22. 2015
- Impacts of extreme 2013-2014 winter conditions on Lake Michigan's fall heat content, surface temperature, and evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters. 3364-3370. 2015
- Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 2788-2793. 2015
- Performance of Linear and Nonlinear Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Models at Different Temporal Scales. Remote Sensing. 2238-2278. 2015
- The influence of warm-season precipitation on the diel cycle of the surface energy balance and carbon dioxide at a Colorado subalpine forest site. Biogeosciences. 7349-7377. 2015
- Data-driven diagnostics of terrestrial carbon dynamics over North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 142-157. 2014
- Global comparison of light use efficiency models for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production based on the La Thuile database. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 108-120. 2014
- Land cover changes and their biogeophysical effects on climate. International Journal of Climatology. 929-953. 2014
- Snow Temperature Changes within a Seasonal Snowpack and Their Relationship to Turbulent Fluxes of Sensible and Latent Heat. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 117-142. 2014
- Land-surface controls on afternoon precipitation diagnosed from observational data: uncertainties and confounding factors. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8343-8367. 2014
- The Importance of Spring and Autumn Atmospheric Conditions for the Evaporation Regime of Lake Superior. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 1647-1658. 2013
- Interannual variability of net ecosystem productivity in forests is explained by carbon flux phenology in autumn. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 994-1006. 2013
- How representative is a point? The spatial variability of surface energy fluxes across short distances in a sand-sagebrush ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 42-49. 2012
- Predicting the Net Basin Supply to the Great Lakes with a Hydrometeorological Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 1739-1759. 2012
- An underestimated role of precipitation frequency in regulating summer soil moisture. Environmental Research Letters. 2012
- Energy and surface moisture seasonally limit evaporation and sublimation from snow-free alpine tundra. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 106-115. 2012
- Using sonic anemometer temperature to measure sensible heat flux in strong winds. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2095-2111. 2012
- Evaporation from Lake Superior: 1. Physical controls and processes. Journal of Great Lakes Research: devoted to research on large lakes of the world. 707-716. 2011
- Evaporation from Lake Superior: 2 Spatial distribution and variability. Journal of Great Lakes Research: devoted to research on large lakes of the world. 717-724. 2011
- Variability in cold front activities modulating cool-season evaporation from a southern inland water in the USA. Environmental Research Letters. 2011
- Hydrological impacts of land use/land cover change in a large river basin in central-northern Thailand. International Journal of Climatology. 1917-1930. 2010
- IMPACTS OF LAND USE/LAND COVER CHANGE ON CLIMATE AND FUTURE RESEARCH PRIORITIES. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 37-46. 2010
- Designing a Living Snow Fence for Snow Drift Control. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 418-425. 2009
- A comparison of water and carbon dioxide exchange at a windy alpine tundra and subalpine forest site near Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Biogeochemistry: an international journal. 61-76. 2009
- White on green: under-snow microbial processes and trace gas fluxes through snow, Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range. Biogeochemistry: an international journal. 1-12. 2009
- Concerning the Measurement and Magnitude of Heat, Water Vapor, and Carbon Dioxide Exchange from a Semiarid Grassland. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 982-996. 2009
- Reply to comment by David E. Parker et al. on "Unresolved issues with the assessment of multidecadal global land surface temperature trends". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2009
- Investigation of the Thermal and Energy Balance Regimes of Great Slave and Great Bear Lakes. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 1318-1333. 2008
- Estimation of the Minimum Canopy Resistance for Croplands and Grasslands Using Data from the 2002 International H2O Project. Monthly Weather Review. 4452-4469. 2008
- Unresolved issues with the assessment of multidecadal global land surface temperature trends. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2007
- Estimating sublimation of intercepted and sub-canopy snow using eddy covariance systems. Hydrological Processes. 1567-1575. 2007
- Description and evaluation of the characteristics of the NCAR high-resolution land data assimilation system. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 694-713. 2007
- Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory eddy-covariance measurements: A synthesis based on FLUXNET data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 14-31. 2007
- Variability in the environmental factors driving evapotranspiration from a grazed rangeland during severe drought conditions. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 207-220. 2007
- Nonstationarity of turbulent heat fluxes at Summit, Greenland. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 439-455. 2007
- NCAR/CU surface, soil, and vegetation observations during the International H2O Project 2002 field campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 65-81. 2007
- The role of northern lakes in a regional energy balance. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 291-305. 2005
- Airflows and turbulent flux measurements in mountainous terrain Part 2: Mesoscale effects. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 187-205. 2004
- The canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest, Prince Albert National Park, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 1561-1578. 2004
- Airflows and turbulent flux measurements in mountainous terrain Part 1. Canopy and local effects. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 1-21. 2003
- Enhancement of evaporation from a large northern lake by the entrainment of warm, dry air. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 680-693. 2003
- Interannual and seasonal variability of the surface energy balance and temperature of central Great Slave Lake. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 720-730. 2003
- Over-lake meteorology and estimated bulk heat exchange of Great Slave Lake in 1998 and 1999. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 649-659. 2003
- Energy budget above a high-elevation subalpine forest in complex topography. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 177-201. 2002
- The seasonal water and energy exchange above and within a boreal aspen forest. Journal of Hydrology. 118-136. 2001
- Surface energy balance of the western and central Canadian subarctic: Variations in the energy balance among five major terrain types. Journal of Climate. 3692-3703. 2001
- The impact of an air quality advisory program on voluntary mobile source air pollution reduction. Atmospheric Environment. 2417-2421. 2001
- Cross-lake variation of physical limnological and climatological processes of Great Slave Lake. Physical Geography. 385-406. 2000
- Eddy covariance measurements of evaporation from Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. Water Resources Research. 1069-1077. 2000
- A comparison of parametrizations of canopy conductance of Aspen and Douglas-fir forests for CLASS. Atmosphere-Ocean. 81-112. 2000
- Comparing the performance of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) for two subarctic terrain types. Atmosphere-Ocean. 181-204. 2000
- Diurnal and annual exchanges of mass and energy between an aspen-hazelnut forest and the atmosphere: Testing the mathematical model Ecosys with data from the BOREAS experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 27699-27717. 1999
- Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 concentration and flux in a boreal aspen forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 27653-27661. 1999
- Effects of climatic variability on the annual carbon sequestration by a boreal aspen forest. Global Change Biology. 41-53. 1999
- Carbon dioxide fluxes in a northern fen during a hot, dry summer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: an international journal of global change. 729-740. 1998
- Turbulent flux measurements above and below the overstory of a boreal aspen forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 109-140. 1998
- Carbon dioxide efflux from the floor of a boreal aspen forest. II. Evaluation of methods - verification by infra-red analysis of a dynamic closed chamber. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 311-316. 1998
- A comparison of sap flow and eddy fluxes of water vapor from a boreal deciduous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 28929-28937. 1997
- Energy balance and canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest: Partitioning overstory and understory components. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 28915-28927. 1997
- Observation of gravity waves in a boreal forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 383-398. 1997
- Radiation regime and canopy architecture in a boreal aspen forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 107-125. 1997
- Evidence of water conservation mechanisms in several subarctic wetland species. Journal of Applied Ecology. 842-850. 1996
- Annual cycles of water vapour and carbon dioxide fluxes in and above a boreal aspen forest. Global Change Biology. 219-229. 1996
- MODELING EVAPORATION FROM A HIGH SUB-ARCTIC WILLOW BIRCH FOREST. International Journal of Climatology. 97-106. 1995