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Publications in VIVO

Auguiste, Reece

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Auguiste research focuses on the historical formation of screen cultures and their emergence and evolution in transnational contexts. More specifically, he focuses on the critical practices of the experimental and avant-garde movements in transnational media arts, the discourses of modernity in Iranian cinema, Chinese cinema of the Fifth Generation, African/African Diaspora moving image art, and the application philosophical hermeneutics as a critical vector to investigate and interpret the use of archival materials in African and African moving image practices.


  • National and transnational screen cultures, documentary media practices, cross-platform media arts practices, African and African Diaspora Moving Image Art, film theory, philosophical hermeneutics, aesthetics, archival studies, collaborative arts practices


selected publications


courses taught

  • CMDP 2010 - Information, Media and Technology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Surveys the intertwined histories of information, media, and technology production and use through exploration of a shared topic. Examines the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts that underlie the movement toward a digital society. Enhances students� abilities to do research, write for multiple audiences, and create publicly-facing digital projects.
  • CMDP 3210 - Interactive Digital Cultures
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022
    Examines how the uses of interactive media have changed the classical dynamics of human communication, allowing multidirectional, non-linear and multimedia practices. In this course, students will study the various aesthetic, narrative, emotional and cultural elements of the interface in areas such as non-linear video, the web, games and hypermedia.
  • CMDP 3400 - Media Aesthetics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 / Summer 2019 / Fall 2019 / Summer 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2023
    Builds students' ability to watch, reflect on, and write about media images. The course will be grounded in the analysis of media practices with special focus on media style and storytelling techniques. Explores media aesthetics from formal, cultural, and theoretical perspectives. Formerly CMDP 2400.
  • CMDP 3450 - Critical Perspectives in Media Practices
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2021
    Examines the contemporary landscape of media practices across platforms, such as film, social media, painting, video, and web art. This integrative exploration focuses on production contexts, circulation and reception through the lens of critical and interpretive frameworks. Drawing from key texts by major scholars and the works of media practitioners, students develop globally informed, critical perspectives for understanding.
  • CMDP 3620 - Images and Stories
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Learn and apply innovative non-traditional approaches to scripting and storytelling, including automatic thinking, idea sketches, visual notes, outlines and storyboards, serials, aleatoric methods, diagrams, locations, photographs and short stories. Focuses on methods of exploring scripting methods outside of the fixed and rule-bound traditional model of storytelling as a means of introducing students to discover their own scripting techniques.
  • CMDP 4931 - Internship
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Spring 2021
  • CMDP 6650 - Documentary MFA Thesis Seminar II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores editing and post-production of the MFA thesis project. Emphasizes aesthetic choices (structure, narration and music), distribution, contracts and audience.
  • CMDP 7300 - Theories of the Avant-Garde
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Explores various manifestations of avant-garde and experimental literature, art and media performance in the 20th century such as Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, Theatre of the Absurd, the Situationists, Fluxus, Oulipo and others. Media forms analyzed will include manifestos, sound poetry, theatre, the novel, happenings, cinema, installation and other forms of historical avant-garde art practices.
  • CMDP 7450 - Comprehensive Exam Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Designed in a seminar format, this course reviews literature and concepts in all prior coursework and guides studies in their preparation for comprehensive exams. All ETMAP students must demonstrate their understanding of the fundamental concepts explored and developed in prior coursework in relation to individual areas of research.


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