selected publications journal article Health impacts of a randomized biomass cookstove intervention in northern Ghana. BMC Public Health. 2021 Adoption of improved biomass stoves and stove/fuel stacking in the REACCTING intervention study in Northern Ghana. Energy Policy. 361-374. 2019 Attributing Air Pollutant Exposure to Emission Sources with Proximity Sensing. Atmosphere. 2019 Exposures to Carbon Monoxide in a Cookstove Intervention in Northern Ghana. Atmosphere. 2019 Kitchen Area Air Quality Measurements in Northern Ghana: Evaluating the Performance of a Low-Cost Particulate Sensor within a Household Energy Study. Atmosphere. 2019 Updated Emission Factors from Diffuse Combustion Sources in Sub-Saharan Africa and Their Effect on Regional Emission Estimates. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington). 6392-6401. 2019 Prices, peers, and perceptions (P3): study protocol for improved biomass cookstove project in northern Ghana. BMC Public Health. 2018 Comparing Building and Neighborhood-Scale Variability of CO2 and O-3 to Inform Deployment Considerations for Low-Cost Sensor System Use. Diversity. 2018 New Emission Factors and Efficiencies from in-Field Measurements of Traditional and Improved Cookstoves and Their Potential Implications. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington). 12508-12517. 2017 Rural-urban differences in cooking practices and exposures in Northern Ghana. Environmental Research Letters. 2017 Exposures to and origins of carbonaceous PM2.5 in a cookstove intervention in Northern Ghana. Science of the Total Environment. 178-192. 2017 Assessment of cookstove stacking in Northern Ghana using surveys and stove use monitors. Energy for Sustainable Development: the journal of the international energy initiative. 67-76. 2016 Research on Emissions, Air quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies in Northern Ghana (REACCTING): study rationale and protocol. BMC Public Health. 2015