I study agenda-setting in public policymaking and institutional change in democratic institutions. My books and current projects have explored a variety of institutional changes (the rise in the use of omnibus legislation in Congress, the decline in the use of treaties to codify US international policy and the rise in Presidential use of Executive Agreements). Current projects explore the establishment and evolution of the US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, devolution and agenda-setting in the UK, and the decline of member engagement in the US Congress. In terms of policy areas, I study environmental policy, health policy, water policy, Native American policy, higher education policy, and US foreign policy.
Political Institutions: Congress and Legislative Institutions, Institutional Change, the Presidency, Presidential-Congressional Relations, Political Parties and Interest Groups, Federalism. Public Policy & Administration: Agenda-Setting & Policy Change, Environmental and Natural Resources Policy, Health Policy, Domestic Politics of US Foreign Policy, Native American Policy, Budgeting Politics & Process, Higher Education Policy. Research Methods: Research Design, Quantitative Techniques.
courses taught
PSCI 3163 - American Foreign Policy
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Examines foundations, assumptions, objectives, dynamics, and methods of U.S. foreign policy since WWII. Gives special attention to domestic and external problems of adapting U.S. policy to the changing world environment. Recommended prerequisite: PSCI 2223.
PSCI 4028 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
Offers subjects not covered by existing courses. Offered when the department approves a special topic. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours for different topics.