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Publications in VIVO

John, Kelsey Dayle

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • I’m an educational studies scholar by training, which has allowed me to pursue questions of pedagogy and methodology at the intersection of Native American and Educational Studies. My research focuses on the horse/human relationship in Native American communities using an Indigenous feminist lens. My intention is to develop an applied academic discipline of Indigenous animal studies. My research agenda includes Indigenous methodology, participatory action research, and qualitative methodologies which engage with questions of human-equine interactions of all kinds. I seek to better understand all aspects of human-equine interactions with a special attention to human dynamics that impact the lived relationships of humans and equines in Native American and BIPOC communities. My research engaged with existent American Indian frameworks on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Indigenous feminisms, and human-equine research to better understand all aspects of horse human relationships. Some of my current projects are exploring human-equine relationships in equine assisted services (therapy and learning), wild horse and mustang management on federal and tribal lands, Indigenous methodologies for human-animal relationships.


  • Human-animal interaction, Indigenous Studies, Equine Assisted Services



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