publication venue for
- Outcomes for women with diabetes admitted for labour care to midwifery units in the UK: a national prospective cohort study and survey of practice using the UK Midwifery Study System (UKMidSS) 2024
- Geographically skewed recruitment and COVID-19 seroprevalence estimates: a cross-sectional serosurveillance study and mathematical modelling analysis 2023
- Investigating transmission of SARS-CoV-2 using novel face mask sampling: a protocol for an observational prospective study of index cases and their contacts in a congregate setting 2022
- Dog ownership, the natural outdoor environment and health: a cross-sectional study 2019
- Nonverbal synchrony as a behavioural marker of patient and physician race-related attitudes and a predictor of outcomes in oncology interactions: protocol for a secondary analysis of video-recorded cancer treatment discussions 2018
- Multimodal observational assessment of quality and productivity benefits from the implementation of wireless technology for out of hours working 2012