publication venue for
- Strong interaction physics at the luminosity frontier with 22 GeV electrons at Jefferson Lab 2024
- Deeply virtual Compton scattering using a positron beam in Hall-C at Jefferson Lab 2021
- An experimental program with high duty-cycle polarized and unpolarized positron beams at Jefferson Lab 2021
- QCD challenges from pp to A-A collisions 2020
- Lattice gauge theory for physics beyond the Standard Model 2019
- Opportunities for Lattice QCD in quark and lepton flavor physics 2019
- Technical design report for the PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube Tracker 2013
- Multidimensional study of hadronization in nuclei 2011
- Heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia as tests of thermalization 2006
- Signals of a Weibel instability in the melting color glass condensate 2005