publication venue for
- A single sequence of intermittent hypoxia does not alter stretch reflex excitability in able-bodied individuals 2024
- Association between effective neural drive to the triceps surae and fluctuations in plantar-flexion torque during submaximal isometric contractions 2022
- Declines in muscle contractility and activation during isometric contractions of the knee extensors vary with contraction intensity and exercise volume 2021
- Global REACH 2018: Influence of excessive erythrocytosis on coagulation and fibrinolytic factors in Andean highlanders 2021
- Intermittent low dose carbon monoxide inhalation does not influence glucose regulation in overweight adults: a randomized controlled crossover trial 2020
- Insufficient sleep is associated with a pro-atherogenic circulating microRNA signature 2019
- Regular aerobic exercise reduces endothelin-1-mediated vasoconstrictor tone in overweight and obese adults 2017
- Influence of sex on the number of circulating endothelial microparticles and microRNA expression in middle-aged adults 2017
- Passive heat stress reduces circulating endothelial and platelet microparticles 2017
- Haemoglobin mass alterations in healthy humans following four-day head-down tilt bed rest 2016
- Force steadiness during a co-contraction task can be improved with practice, but only by young adults and not by middle-aged or old adults 2015
- Discharge characteristics of motor units during long-duration contractions 2014
- Long-range correlations in motor unit discharge times at low forces are modulated by visual gain and age 2013
- Influence of neural adjustments and muscle oxygenation on task failure during sustained isometric contractions with elbow flexor muscles 2012
- Vascular health in the ageing athlete 2012
- Increased thermogenic responsiveness to intravenous β-adrenergic stimulation in habitually exercising humans is not related to skeletal muscle β2-adrenergic receptor density 2007
- Task-dependent effect of limb immobilization on the fatigability of the elbow flexor muscles in humans 1997
- The influence of age on the assessment of motor unit activation in a human hand muscle 1996