publication venue for
- Genetic mixing facilitates adaptation to a novel environmental constraint 2023
- Substantial niche overlap in carrion beetle habitat and vegetation use 2023
- Transient effects of corridors on polygyne fire ants over a decade 2023
- Testing effects of invasive fire ants and disturbance on ant communities of the longleaf pine ecosystem 2021
- Effects of Formica podzolica ant colonies on soil moisture, nitrogen, and plant communities near nests 2019
- A long-term habitat fragmentation experiment leads to morphological change in a species of carabid beetle 2018
- Differential and delayed response of two ant species to habitat fragmentation via the introduction of a pine matrix 2016
- Preference and performance of generalist and specialist herbivores on chemically defended host plants 2016
- Assessing the effects of sodium on fire ant foraging in the field and colony growth in the laboratory 2014
- Thermoregulatory trade-offs result from vegetation removal by a harvester ant 2006