publication venue for
- Chickadees sing different songs in sympatry versus allopatry 2024
- Immigration delays but does not prevent adaptation following environmental change: experimental evidence 2024
- The cost of travel: How dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host-parasite interactions 2021
- Social effects of territorial neighbours on the timing of spring breeding in North American red squirrels 2019
- Why are red flowers so rare? Testing the macroevolutionary causes of tippiness 2018
- Phenological shifts in North American red squirrels: disentangling the roles of phenotypic plasticity and microevolution 2018
- Social traits, social networks and evolutionary biology 2017
- Barnacles, barrier loci and the systematic building of species 2017
- Phenotypic differentiation is associated with divergent sexual selection among closely related barn swallow populations 2016
- Post-weaning parental care increases fitness but is not heritable in North American red squirrels 2015
- Evolutionary stasis despite selection on a heritable trait in an invasive zooplankton 2015
- Selection on female behaviour fluctuates with offspring environment 2014
- How traits shape trees: new approaches for detecting character state-dependent lineage diversification 2014
- Hybridization and the build-up of genomic divergence during speciation 2013
- Spatially explicit models of divergence and genome hitchhiking 2012
- Low heritabilities, but genetic and maternal correlations between red squirrel behaviours 2012
- Co-evolution of plumage characteristics and winter sociality in New and Old World sparrows 2009
- Path analysis of natural selection via survival and fecundity across contrasting environments in Avena barbata. 2009
- Effects of food abundance on genetic and maternal variation in the growth rate of juvenile red squirrels 2003