publication venue for
- A review of UAS-based estimation of forest traits and characteristics in landscape ecology 2025
- The invasive plant data landscape: a synthesis of spatial data and applications for research and management in the United States 2023
- The dynamic matrix predicts population response to long-term experimental forest fragmentation 2022
- Accounting for connectivity alters the apparent roles of spatial and environmental processes on metacommunity assembly 2021
- Shrinking skinks: lizard body size declines in a long-term forest fragmentation experiment 2019
- Spatial and temporal variability of fragmentation effects in a long term, eucalypt forest fragmentation experiment 2018
- The use of traits to interpret responses to large scale - edge effects: a study of epigaeic beetle assemblages across a Eucalyptus forest and pine plantation edge 2016
- Landscapes as continuous entities: forest disturbance and recovery in the Albertine Rift landscape 2011
- Spatial prediction of caterpillar (Ormiscodes) defoliation in Patagonian Nothofagus forests 2011
- Dwindling resources and fragmentation of landscapes around parks: wetlands and forest patches around Kibale National Park, Uganda 2009
- Historical change in coastal sage scrub in southern California, USA in relation to fire frequency and air pollution 2008
- Improving land change detection based on uncertain survey maps using fuzzy sets 2007
- Influence of fire regimes on lodgepole pine stand age and density across the Yellowstone National Park (USA) landscape 2006
- Integrating patch and boundary dynamics to understand and predict biotic transitions at multiple scales 2006
- Landscape structure and plague occurrence in black-tailed prairie dogs on grasslands of the western USA 2005
- Scaling patterns of biomass and soil properties: an empirical analysis 2002
- Fire-induced changes in northern Patagonian landscapes 1999