publication venue for
- High-Bandwidth Control of a 20-kW Single-Stage Unfolding-Based AC-DC Converter Using the Extra Element Theorem and Current Emulation Technique 2024
- Balancing Multiphase FCML Converters With Coupled Inductors: Modeling, Analysis, Limitations 2024
- Hardware-Efficient Digital Autotuning for Integrated Switched-Mode Battery Chargers 2024
- Gate Pulsing as a Transient Ringing Reduction Method for Multilevel Supply Modulators 2023
- GaN-Based Isolated Resonant Converter as a Backup Power Supply in Automotive Subnets 2023
- Control Design of Series-Connected PV-Powered Grid-Forming Converters via Singular Perturbation 2023
- Steady-State Indeterminacy in Lossless Switched-Mode Power Converters 2023
- 1 kV, 10-kW SiC-Based Quadruple Active Bridge DCX Stage in a DC to Three-Phase AC Module for Medium-Voltage Grid Integration 2022
- 400-48-V Stacked Active Bridge Converter 2022
- State-of-Charge Balancing With Parallel and Series Output Connected Battery Power Modules 2022
- Modeling and Design of High-Power, High-Current-Ripple Planar Inductors 2022
- Differential Input Current Regulation in Parallel Output Connected Battery Power Modules 2022
- Online Efficiency Optimization of a Closed-Loop Controlled SiC-Based Bidirectional Boost Converter 2022
- A Two-Stage Automotive LED Driver With Multiple Outputs 2021
- Voltage Sharing With Series Output Connected Battery Modules in a Plug-and-Play DC Microgrid 2021
- Transformerless Stacked Active Bridge Converters: Analysis, Properties, and Synthesis 2021
- Digital Predictive Current-Mode Control of Three-Level Flying Capacitor Buck Converters 2021
- Reduction of AC Winding Losses Due to Fringing-Field Effects in High-Frequency Inductors With Orthogonal Air Gaps 2021
- High-Performance Megahertz-Frequency Resonant DC-DC Converter for Automotive LED Driver Applications 2020
- Sensorless Stabilization Technique for Peak Current Mode Controlled Three-Level Flying-Capacitor Converters 2020
- Wide-Range ZVS Control Technique for Bidirectional Dual-Bridge Series-Resonant DC-DC Converters 2019
- General Closed-Form ZVS Analysis of Dual-Bridge Series Resonant DC-DC Converters 2019
- Control Technique for Reliable Operation of the Synchronous Series Capacitor Tapped Inductor Converter 2019
- Stability Properties of the 3-Level Flying Capacitor Buck Converter Under Peak or Valley Current Programmed Control 2019
- A Dual-Edge Pulsewidth Modulator for Fast Dynamic Response DC-DC Converters 2019
- A Low-Complexity Trajectory Controller for Reduced Conduction Losses in Series-Resonant Dual Half-Bridge Converters 2018
- Repetitive Controller for VSIs in Droop-Based AC-Microgrid 2017
- Electrified Automotive Powertrain Architecture Using Composite DC-DC Converters 2017
- Fast Tracking Electrosurgical Generator Using Two-Rail Multiphase Buck Converter With GaN Switches 2017
- Digital Control of a High-Voltage (2.5 kV) Bidirectional DC-DC Flyback Converter for Driving a Capacitive Incremental Actuator 2016
- Active Balancing System for Electric Vehicles With Incorporated Low-Voltage Bus 2016
- Very High Frequency PWM Buck Converters Using Monolithic GaN Half-Bridge Power Stages With Integrated Gate Drivers 2016
- Second-Order Sliding-Mode Controlled Synchronous Buck DC-DC Converter 2016
- A 98.7% Efficient Composite Converter Architecture With Application-Tailored Efficiency Characteristic 2016
- Bus Voltage Control With Zero Distortion and High Bandwidth for Single-Phase Solar Inverters 2016
- High Weighted Efficiency in Single-Phase Solar Inverters by a Variable-Frequency Peak Current Controller 2016
- Small-Signal Modeling of Uniformly Sampled Phase-Shift Modulators 2015
- ON/OFF Control of a Modular DC-DC Converter Based on Active-Clamp LLC Modules 2015
- Circuit-Oriented Treatment of Nonlinear Capacitances in Switched-Mode Power Supplies 2015
- Performance of Power-Limited Differential Power Processing Architectures in Mismatched PV Systems 2015
- A High-Frequency Digitally Controlled LED Driver for Automotive Applications With Fast Dimming Capabilities 2014
- Design of EMI Filters Having Low Harmonic Distortion in High-Power-Factor Converters 2014
- High-Frequency PWM Buck Converters Using GaN-on-SiC HEMTs 2014
- Zero Voltage Switching Technique for Bidirectional DC/DC Converters 2014
- Simple Digital Pulse Width Modulator Under 100 ps Resolution Using General-Purpose FPGAs 2013
- Design and Control for High Efficiency in High Step-Down Dual Active Bridge Converters Operating at High Switching Frequency 2013
- Architectures and Control of Submodule Integrated DC-DC Converters for Photovoltaic Applications 2013
- Characterization of Power Optimizer Potential to Increase Energy Capture in Photovoltaic Systems Operating Under Nonuniform Conditions 2013
- Mitigation of Solar Irradiance Intermittency in Photovoltaic Power Systems With Integrated Electric-Vehicle Charging Functionality 2013
- Probabilistic Analysis of a Generalized Perturb and Observe Algorithm Featuring Robust Operation in the Presence of Power Curve Traps 2013
- Smart DC Power Management System Based on Software-Configurable Power Modules 2013
- A Nonlinear State Machine for Dead Zone Avoidance and Mitigation in a Synchronous Noninverting Buck-Boost Converter 2013
- Average Inductor Current Sensor for Digitally Controlled Switched-Mode Power Supplies 2012
- Efficiency Optimization in Digitally Controlled Flyback DC-DC Converters Over Wide Ranges of Operating Conditions 2012
- Minimum Current Operation of Bidirectional Dual-Bridge Series Resonant DC/DC Converters 2012
- Robust Gain-Scheduled Control of Switched-Mode DC-DC Converters 2012
- Mismatch-Error Shaping-Based Digital Multiphase Modulator 2012
- Resonant pulse-shaping power supply for radar transmitters 2012
- Autotuning of Digitally Controlled Boost Power Factor Correction Rectifiers 2011
- Fully Digital Hysteretic Modulator for DC-DC Switching Converters 2011
- Custom IC for Ultralow Power RF Energy Scavenging 2011
- A Simple Digital Power-Factor Correction Rectifier Controller 2011
- Current-Limited Time-Optimal Response in Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters 2010
- Digital Control for Improved Efficiency and Reduced Harmonic Distortion Over Wide Load Range in Boost PFC Rectifiers 2010
- Multimode Digital Controller for Synchronous Buck Converters Operating Over Wide Ranges of Input Voltages and Load Currents 2010
- Analysis of Parallel Operation of Uninterruptible Power Supplies Loaded Through Long Wiring Cables 2010
- Power Management of Wideband Code Division Multiple Access RF Power Amplifiers With Antenna Mismatch 2010
- Adaptive Tuning of Switched-Mode Power Supplies Operating in Discontinuous and Continuous Conduction Modes 2009
- An Autotuning Digital Controller for DC-DC Power Converters Based on Online Frequency-Response Measurement 2009
- An Online Stability Margin Monitor for Digitally Controlled Switched-Mode Power Supplies 2009
- Elimination of Sampling-Induced Dead Bands in Multiple-Sampled Pulsewidth Modulators for DC-DC Converters 2009
- Hybrid Digital Adaptive Control for Fast Transient Response in Synchronous Buck DC-DC Converters 2009
- Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Tuning System Based on Desired Phase Margin for Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converters 2009
- Digital Hysteretic Voltage-Mode Control for DC-DC Converters Based on Asynchronous Sampling 2009
- Integration of Frequency Response Measurement Capabilities in Digital Controllers for DC-DC Converters 2008
- Modeling of multisampled pulse width modulators for digitally controlled DC-DC converters 2008
- Nonuniform A/D quantization for improved dynamic responses of digitally controlled DC-DC converters 2008
- Proximate time-optimal digital control for synchronous buck DC-DC converters 2008
- Scalable digital multiphase modulator 2008
- Simplified model reference-based autotuning for digitally controlled SMPS 2008
- Digital average current-mode controller for dc-dc converters in physical vapor deposition applications 2008
- Resistor emulation approach to low-power RF energy harvesting 2008
- Small-signal discrete-time modeling of digitally controlled PWM converters 2007
- Modeling of quantization effects in digitally controlled dc-dc converters 2007
- Sensorless optimization of dead times in dc-dc converters with synchronous rectifiers 2006
- Analysis and design of a love-stress buck-boost converter in universal-input PFC applications 2006
- Three-level buck converter for envelope tracking applications 2006
- A digitally controlled DC/DC converter for an RF power amplifier 2006
- Dead-zone digital controllers for improved dynamic response of low harmonic rectifiers 2006
- System identification of power converters with digital control through cross-correlation methods 2005
- High-frequency digital PWM controller IC for DC-DC converters 2003
- Predictive digital current programmed control 2003
- Self-tuning digitally controlled low-harmonic rectifier having fast dynamic response 2003
- Computer-aided small-signal analysis based on impulse response of DC/DC switching power converters 2000
- Modeling of cross-regulation in converters containing coupled inductors 2000
- Switched-capacitor dc/dc converters with resonant gate drive 1998
- A low-distortion three-phase multiresonant boost rectifier with zero-current switching 1998
- Nonlinear-carrier control for high-power-factor rectifiers based on up-down switching converters 1998
- New single-switch three-phase high-power-factor rectifiers using multiresonant zero-current switching 1998
- A new class of low-cost three-phase high-quality rectifiers with zero-voltage switching 1997
- Feedforward pulse width modulators for switching power converters 1997
- Nonlinear-carrier control for high-power-factor boost rectifiers 1996
- Single-switch 3 phi PWM low harmonic rectifiers 1996
- Physical origins of input filter oscillations in current programmed converters 1992
- Canonical modeling of power processing circuits based on the POPI concept 1992
- A unified analysis of PWM converters in discontinuous modes 1991
- A general approach to synthesis and analysis of quasi-resonant converters 1991
- An Improved Automotive Power Distribution System Using Nonlinear Resonant Switch Converters 1991
- Constant-frequency control of quasi-resonant converters 1991
- Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Resonant Converters 1991
- Switching converters with wide DC conversion range 1991
- Extension of State-Space Averaging to Resonant Switches and Beyond 1990
- A Nonlinear Resonant Switch 1989
- Steady-state analysis and design of the parallel resonant converter 1988
- Isolated Bidirectional Grid-Tied Three-Phase AC-DC Power Conversion Using Series-Resonant Converter Modules and a Three-Phase Unfolder 2017
- Resonant Pulse-Shaping Power Supply for Radar Transmitters 2014
- Parameter-Independent Time-Optimal Digital Control for Point-of-Load Converters 2008