publication venue for
- The voxelized photon Monte Carlo method for hypersonic radiation modeling 2024
- A foundational step towards understanding and improving the transition between URANS and LES in hybrid URANS-LES methodology 2023
- Skeleton-stabilized divergence-conforming B-spline discretizations for incompressible flow problems of high Reynolds number 2022
- Sensitivity to the rheology and geometry of granular collapses by using the μ(I) rheology 2019
- Assessment of the LD-DSMC hybrid method for hypersonic rarefied flow 2018
- Volumetric geometry for DSMC and the Voldipar code 2015
- A parallel adaptive nonlinear elimination preconditioned inexact Newton method for transonic full potential equation 2015
- Mixed order discretization based two-level Schwarz preconditioners for a tracer transport problem on the cubed-sphere 2015
- Subsonic flow boundary conditions for the direct simulation Monte Carlo method 2014
- A parallel adaptive mesh method for the numerical simulation of multiphase flows 2013
- Topology optimization of multi-component flows using a multi-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method 2012
- Radial basis functions: Developments and applications to planetary scale flows 2011
- A parallel two-level method for simulating blood flows in branching arteries with the resistive boundary condition 2011
- Spectral analysis of turbulence based on the DNS of a channel flow 2010
- Adjoint parameter sensitivity analysis for the hydrodynamic lattice Boltzmann method with applications to design optimization 2009
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flows using a stabilized finite element method 2009
- Improved sampling techniques for the direct simulation Monte Carlo method 2009
- Large-eddy simulation on unstructured deforming meshes: towards reciprocating IC engines 2000