publication venue for
- A genetically informed study of digital screen time, video game play, and impulsivity in established adulthood 2024
- The relationship between collaborative problem solving behaviors and solution outcomes in a game-based learning environment 2022
- The productive role of cognitive reappraisal in regulating affect during game-based learning 2019
- How an online women in technology group provides a locus of opposition 2019
- Use of military-themed first-person shooter games and militarism: An investigation of two potential facilitating mechanisms 2018
- Does negative campaign advertising stimulate uncivil communication on social media? Measuring audience response using big data 2017
- Giving in or giving up: What makes journalists use audience feedback in their news work? 2017
- Examination of the factors that influence the technological adoption intentions of tomorrow's new media producers: A longitudinal exploration 2016
- Relating motivation to information and communication technology acceptance: Self-determination theory perspective 2015
- Facebook use, envy, and depression among college students: Is facebooking depressing? 2015
- Accessibility and acceptance of responsive virtual human technology as a survey interviewer training tool 2006