publication venue for
- Who teaches children to forage? Exploring the primacy of child-to-child teaching among Hadza and BaYaka Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania and Congo 2020
- Cooperation: The roles of interpersonal value and gratitude 2017
- Genetic compatibility in long-term intimate relationships: partner similarity at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes may reduce in-pair attraction 2017
- Women's evaluations of other women's natural body odor depend on target's fertility status 2017
- Benefit valuation predicts gratitude 2017
- How valid are assessments of conception probability in ovulatory cycle research? Evaluations, recommendations, and theoretical implications 2016
- Facial averageness and genetic quality: testing heritability, genetic correlation with attractiveness, and the paternal age effect 2016
- A test of the facultative calibration/reactive heritability model of extraversion 2015
- No relationship between intelligence and facial attractiveness in a large, genetically informative sample 2015
- Intrasexual competition and eating restriction in heterosexual and homosexual individuals 2010
- Genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality may increase mating success in heterosexuals 2008
- The Trivers–Willard hypothesis of parental investment 2001