publication venue for
- Close but not quite: Exploring the role of shared discrimination in racial outgroup identity-safety cues for Black women 2023
- Do individuation instructions reduce the cross-race effect? A registered replication of Hugenberg, Miller, and Claypool (2007) 2023
- Who?s on first? People asymmetrically attend to higher-ranked (vs. lower-ranked) competitors 2023
- The unexpected social consequences of diverting attention to our phones 2022
- What's in a pronoun: Exploring gender pronouns as an organizational identity-safety cue among sexual and gender minorities 2021
- A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures 2021
- Perceptual tuning through contact? Contact interacts with perceptual (not memory-based) face-processing ability to predict cross-race recognition 2021
- When does anger boost status? 2019
- Being grateful and biased: Felt gratitude as a cause of escalation bias in relational dilemmas 2019
- Information Targeting Increases the Weight of Stigma: Leveraging Relevance Backfires When People Feel Judged 2019
- The effects of category and physical features on stereotyping and evaluation 2018
- Implications of advice rejection in repeated exchanges: Advisor responses and advisee gratitude expression as a buffer 2018
- Psychological consequences of the Dad Bod: Using biological and physical changes to increase essentialist perceptions of fathers 2018
- One size may not fit all: Exploring how the intersection of race and gender and stigma consciousness predict effective identity-safe cues for Black women 2018
- Partisan underestimation of the polarizing influence of group discussion 2016
- Face recognition in the presence of angry expressions: A target-race effect rather than a cross-race effect 2015
- How social identity shapes the working self-concept 2014
- On the flexibility of attention to race 2014
- Circumventing anxiety during interpersonal encounters to promote interest in contact: An implementation intention approach 2014
- Less power = less human? Effects of power differentials on dehumanization 2013
- The blind leading: Power reduces awareness of constraints 2013
- Complete anonymity compromises the accuracy of self-reports 2012
- Manipulating the role of cognitive control while taking the implicit association test 2012
- Boys don't cry: Cognitive load and priming increase stereotypic sex differences in emotion memory 2012
- Hemispheric asymmetry in cross-race face recognition 2011
- Contextual variation in automatic evaluative bias to racially-ambiguous faces 2011
- Order from chaos? 1/f noise predicts performance on reaction time measures 2011
- Do observer ratings validate self-reports of intergroup contact?: A round-robin analysis 2011
- Target prototypicality moderates racial bias in the decision to shoot 2011
- Dangerous enough: Moderating racial bias with contextual threat cues 2011
- The persistence of implicit behavioral associations for moms and dads 2010
- You want to appear competent? Be mean! You want to appear sociable? Be lazy! Group differentiation and the compensation effect 2009
- Danger stereotypes predict racially biased attentional allocation 2008
- Sneaking in through the back door: How category-based stereotype suppression leads to rebound in feature-based effects 2008
- Multiple cues in social perception: The time course of processing race and facial expression 2007
- Event-related potentials and the decision to shoot: The role of threat perception and cognitive control 2006
- The unpacking effect in allocations of responsibility for group tasks 2005
- Expectations and emotions of Olympic athletes 2005
- The crossed-categorization hypothesis: Evidence of reductions in the strength of categorization, but not intergroup bias 2004
- Adjusting researchers' approach to adjustment: On the use of covariates when testing interactions 2004
- An affirmed self and an open mind: Self-affirmation and sensitivity to argument strength 2004
- Automatic stereotypes vs. automatic prejudice: Sorting out the possibilities in the Payne (2001) weapon paradigm 2004
- The effort heuristic 2004
- The unpacking effect in evaluative judgments: When the whole is less than the sum of its parts 2003
- Negative incidental affect and mood congruency in crossed categorization 2003
- Contrast effects in stereotype formation and change: the role of comparative context 2002
- Measurement of subtyping in stereotype change 2001
- Evaluative versus conceptual judgments in automatic stereotyping and prejudice 2001
- Evaluative versus conceptual judgments in automatic stereotyping and prejudice 2001
- Florack, Arnd, 518 Förster, Jens, 253 2001
- Illusions of gender: Stereotypes evoke false memories 2001
- Electrophysiological evidence of implicit and explicit categorization processes 2000
- The consequences of communicating social stereotypes 2000
- Defining variables in relationship to other variables: When interactions suddenly turn out to be main effects 2000
- Stereotypes, prejudice, and judgments of group members: The mediating role of public policy decisions 1996
- Effects of racial stereotypes on judgments of individuals: The moderating role of perceived group variability 1996
- Effects of racial stereotypes on judgments of individuals: The moderating role of perceived group variability 1996