publication venue for
- Special Issue Introduction: Abolition Rhetorics 2024
- Articulating water conservation as colonization: revisiting the "public interest" in Theodore Roosevelt's First Annual Message 2024
- Disidentifying from the “model minority”: How Indian American women rearticulate dominant racial rhetorics 2023
- The whiteness of LBJ's Rhetoric: The appointment of Vicente T. Ximenes to the equal employment opportunity commission 2023
- Revolucionizing America: La Revolucion and Gustavo Diaz Ordaz's 1964 inaugural address 2022
- Agribusiness futurism and food atmospheres: Reimagining corn, pigs, and transnational negotiations on Khrushchev's 1959 US tour 2020
- "A Hedge against the Future'': The Post-Cold War Rhetoric of Nuclear Weapons Modernization 2010
- Tripping over Boundary-Stones: Reflections on Engaged Scholarship 2010
- Organizing the "unknown subject": Los Alamos, espionage, and the politics of biography 2002
- “National security, and all that it implies …”: Communication and (post‐) Cold War culture 2000
- Relating: Dialogues and dialectics - Baxter,LA, Montgomery,BM 1997
- Register of the repressed: Women's voice and body in the nuclear weapons organization 1993
- Review Essay: Negation and the political function of rhetoric 1983
- Words without things: Toward a social phenomenology of language 1973
- Resisting "National breast cancer awareness month": The rhetoric of counterpublics and their cultural performances 2001