publication venue for
- Word Learning in Bilingual Children at Risk for Developmental Language Disorder 2024
- The Contributions of Pitch, Loudness, and Rate Control to Speech Naturalness in Cerebellar Ataxia 2024
- Speech, Language, and Communication Deficits and Intervention in a Single Case of Pediatric Autoimmune Encephalitis 2021
- Patterns of Conversation Trouble Source and Repair as Indices of Improved Conversation in Aphasia: A Multiple-Case Study Using Conversation Analysis 2021
- Predictors of Treatment Response for Preschool Children With Developmental Language Disorder 2020
- Vocabulary Growth: Dual Language Learners at Risk for Language Impairment 2020
- Patterns of conversation trouble source and repair as indices of improved conversation in aphasia: A multiple-case study using conversational analysis 2020
- Communicative Accessibility in Aphasia: An Investigation of the Interactional Context of Long-Term Care Facilities 2018
- Impact of Personal Relevance on Acquisition and Generalization of Script Training for Aphasia: A Preliminary Analysis 2015
- Variability in the Language Input to Children Enhances Learning in a Treatment Context 2014
- Acquisition and Maintenance of Scripts in Aphasia: A Comparison of Two Cuing Conditions 2014
- Innovative Technology for the Assisted Delivery of Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT®LOUD) for Parkinson Disease 2012
- Self-administered cued naming therapy: A single-participant investigation of a computer-based therapy program replicated in four cases 2007
- Breadth and depth of diversity in Minnesota: Challenges to clinical competency 2003
- Contributions of qualitative research to the knowledge base of normal communication 2003
- Qualitative research and speech-language pathology: A tutorial for the clinical realm 2003
- A qualitative study of feedback in aphasia treatment 1999
- The Contribution of Discourse Markers to Communicative Competence in Aphasia 1996