publication venue for
- Perspectives on numerical data quality in IS research 2019
- Your memory is working against you: How eye tracking and memory explain habituation to security warnings 2016
- Taxing the development structure of open source communities: An information processing view 2015
- Understanding of website usability: Specifying and measuring constructs and their relationships 2012
- Avatar e-mail versus traditional e-mail: Perceptual difference and media selection difference 2009
- Analyzing unstructured text data: Using latent categorization to identify intellectual communities in information systems 2008
- A decision support model for optimal timing of investments in information technology upgrades 2006
- Investigating the effect of website quality on e-business success: An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach 2006
- Performance analysis of filtering software using Signal Detection Theory 2006
- An agent-based framework for building decision support systems 1999