publication venue for
- The rise of metric-based digital status: an empirical investigation into the role of status perceptions in envy on social networking sites 2025
- Responsible social media use: how user characteristics shape the actualisation of ambiguous affordances 2024
- When your data has COVID-19: how the changing context disrupts data collection and what to do about it 2021
- Understanding social networking site (SNS) identity from a dual systems perspective: an investigation of the dark side of SNS use 2018
- How users perceive and respond to security messages: a NeuroIS research agenda and empirical study 2016
- Six types of IT-business strategic alignment: an investigation of the constructs and their measurement 2015
- Understanding online customers' ties to merchants: the moderating influence of trust on the relationship between switching costs and e-loyalty 2014
- Can we have fun @ work? The role of intrinsic motivation for utilitarian systems 2013
- Conceptualizing models using multidimensional constructs: a review and guidelines for their use 2012
- Threat or coping appraisal: determinants of SMB executives' decision to adopt anti-malware software 2009
- Enabling agile adoption practices through network organizations 2006