publication venue for
- Demystifying Reviewing: The Whys and Hows 2023
- The Intersectional Dynamics of Descriptive Representation 2022
- Feminist Theorizing: How to Do Justice to a Multifaceted and Contentious Field of Inquiry 2018
- Unmanned? Gender Recalibrations and the Rise of Drone Warfare 2016
- Women's Movements across Borders: Towards a More Inclusive Conceptualization? 2014
- Tracking the Latino Gender Gap: Gender Attitudes across Sex, Borders, and Generations 2011
- International Initiative and Domestic Reforms: European Union Efforts to Combat Violence against Women 2009
- Challenging Parties, Changing Parliaments: Women and Elected Office in Contemporary Western Europe. By Miki Caul Kittilson 2007
- "W" Stands for Women: Feminism and Security Rhetoric in the Post-9/11 Bush Administration 2005