publication venue for
- Are Subnational Policymakers' Policy Preferences Nationalized? Evidence from Surveys of Township, Municipal, County, and State Officials 2023
- How to Cautiously Uncover the "Black Box" of Machine Learning Models for Legislative Scholars 2023
- Do Politicians Ethnically Discriminate Against Hispanics? Evidence from a Field Experiment with State Legislative Offices 2021
- The Opportunistic President: How US Presidents Determine Their Legislative Programs 2015
- Examining Legislative Cue-Taking in the US Senate 2015
Reviewers of
LSQ Manuscripts during 2012 2013 - Reviewers of LSQ Manuscripts during 2010 2011
- Intended consequences: Jurisdictional reform and issue control in the US house of representatives 2008
- The home style homepage: Legislator use of the World Wide Web for constituency contact 1998