publication venue for
- No-Organization: Confronting the "It" of antiblackness in scholarship on Africa 2025
- Whistleblowing advocacy: Solidarity and fascinance 2022
- "Submission' to the rule of excellence: Ordinary affect and precarious resistance in the labor of organization and management studies 2017
- When Organization Fails: Why Authority Matters 2016
- Memories of trauma and organizing: Market women’s susu groups in postconflict Liberia 2014
- Positioning Lawyers: Discursive Resources, Professional Ethics and Identification 2009
- Identity Matters: Reflections on the Construction of Identity Scholarship in Organization Studies 2008
- The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Theory: Meta-Theoretical Perspectives 2005
- Representing organization: Knowledge, management, and the information age. 2005
- Reclaiming the legacy of the linguistic turn 2003
- Character, Corporate Responsibility and the Dialogic in the Postmodern Context: A Commentary on Mangham 1995