publication venue for
- Trust and trustworthy artificial intelligence: A research agenda for AI in the environmental sciences 2024
- Do actions reduce perceived risk? A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between risk perception and actions in response to forest disturbance in Colorado 2023
- Getting Interdisciplinary Teams into the Field: Institutional Review Board Preapproval and Multi-Institution Authorization Agreements for Rapid Response Disaster Research 2021
- Interdisciplinary Theory, Methods, and Approaches for Hazards and Disaster Research: An Introduction to the Special Issue 2021
- Stories for Interdisciplinary Disaster Research Collaboration 2021
- Construction Safety Risk Modeling and Simulation 2017
- A Cognitive-Affective Scale for Hurricane Risk Perception 2016
- Is Seeing Believing? Perceptions of Wildfire Risk Over Time 2016
- Understanding Gaps Between the Risk Perceptions of Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Residents and Wildfire Professionals 2015
- An Assessment of Change in Risk Perception and Optimistic Bias for Hurricanes Among Gulf Coast Residents 2014
- A Calibrated Human PBPK Model for Benzene Inhalation with Urinary Bladder and Bone Marrow Compartments 2013
- Social Amplification of Wildfire Risk: The Role of Social Interactions and Information Sources 2013
- The Effect of Proximity to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Subsequent Hurricane Outlook and Optimistic Bias 2011
- Economics of Disaster Risk, Social Vulnerability, and Mental Health Resilience 2011
- Maternal Hurricane Exposure and Fetal Distress Risk 2010
- Vulnerability and Risk: Some Thoughts from a Political and Policy Perspective 2003