publication venue for
- Forced periodic motion by solar radiation pressure in the polyhedral gravity model 2024
- Tidal dissipation with 3-D finite element deformation code CitcomSVE v2.1: comparisons with the semi-analytical approach, in the context of the Lunar tidal deformations 2024
- Dynamics around the Earth-Moon triangular points in the Hill restricted 4-body problem 2024
- The dynamics about asteroid (162173) Ryugu 2024
- Constrained evolution of Hamiltonian phase space distributions in the presence of natural: non-conservative forces 2024
- Analyzing the structure of periodic orbit families that exist around asteroid (101955) Bennu 2023
- Bounds on energy and angular momentum loss in the full n-body problem 2023
- Orbit averaging applied to inverse-square perturbations Application to coma drag, thermal radiation pressure, and heliocentric solar sailing 2023
- Physics-informed neural networks for gravity field modeling of small bodies 2022
- A study of periodic orbits near Europa 2022
- Describing relative motion near periodic orbits via local toroidal coordinates 2022
- Physics-informed neural networks for gravity field modeling of the Earth and Moon 2022
- Approximating orbits in a rotating gravity field with oblateness and ellipticity perturbations 2022
- Constructing motion primitive sets to summarize periodic orbit families and hyperbolic invariant manifolds in a multi-body system 2022
- Applying data mining techniques to higher-dimensional Poincare maps in the circular restricted three-body problem 2021
- Science orbit design with a quasi-frozen beta angle: effects of body obliquity on J2-perturbed dynamics 2020
- The effect of zonal harmonics on dynamical structures in the circular restricted three-body problem near the secondary body 2020
- Evolution of orbits about comets with arbitrary comae 2020
- Analytical shape uncertainties in the polyhedron gravity model 2020
- Uncertainties in the gravity spherical harmonics coefficients arising from a stochastic polyhedral shape 2020
- Disassociation energies for the finite-density N-body problem 2020
- Study of the roto-orbital motion using intermediaries: numerical experiments 2019
- Parallel initial orbit determination using angles-only observation pairs 2018
- Stability of the Euler resting N-body relative equilibria (vol 130, 26, 2018) 2018
- Stability of the Euler resting N-body relative equilibria 2018
- Orbit uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis with separated representations 2017
- Constraints on bounded motion and mutual escape for the full 3-body problem 2017
- Preface 2017
- Bounded relative motion under zonal harmonics perturbations 2017
- Mutual potential between two rigid bodies with arbitrary shapes and mass distributions 2017
- Forced periodic motions by solar radiation pressure around uniformly rotating asteroids 2016
- Dynamics of the Jupiter Trojans with Saturn's perturbation when the two planets are in migration 2016
- The lift-off velocity on the surface of an arbitrary body 2016
- Stability of orbits near large mass ratio binary systems 2015
- On the and families of orbits in the Hill problem with solar radiation pressure and their application to asteroid orbiters 2015
- Bandlimited implicit Runge-Kutta integration for Astrodynamics 2014
- Dynamics of the Jupiter Trojans with Saturn's perturbation in the present configuration of the two planets 2014
- Small body surface gravity fields via spherical harmonic expansions 2014
- On the Milankovitch orbital elements for perturbed Keplerian motion 2014
- Recursive computation of mutual potential between two polyhedra 2013
- Dynamic limits on planar libration-orbit coupling around an oblate primary 2013
- Closed solution of the Hill differential equation for short arcs and a local mass anomaly in the central body 2013
- Minimum energy configurations in the N-body problem and the celestial mechanics of granular systems 2012
- Disturbance compensating control of orbit radially aligned two-craft Coulomb formation 2012
- Linear stability and shape analysis of spinning three-craft Coulomb formations 2012
- A multiresolution model for small-body gravity estimation 2011
- Optimal transfers between unstable periodic orbits using invariant manifolds 2011
- The use of invariant manifolds for transfers between unstable periodic orbits of different energies 2010
- Averaged rotational dynamics of an asteroid in tumbling rotation under the YORP torque 2010
- Secular orbit variation due to solar radiation effects: a detailed model for BYORP 2010
- Circular and zero-inclination solutions for optical observations of Earth-orbiting objects 2010
- Straight line orbits in Hamiltonian flows 2009
- Stability of the planar full 2-body problem 2009
- On the rotation of comet Borrelly's nucleus 2008
- Rotational dynamics of a solar system body under solar radiation torques 2008
- Energy and stability in the full two body problem 2008
- The eccentric frame decomposition of central force fields 2008
- Simulation of the full two rigid body problem using polyhedral mutual potential and potential derivatives approach 2006
- Invariant shape solutions of the spinning three craft Coulomb tether problem 2006
- Relative equilibria for general gravity fields in the sphere-restricted full 2-body problem 2006
- Mutual potential of homogeneous polyhedra 2005
- Bounds on rotation periods of disrupted binaries in the full 2-body problem 2004
- On the concept of periapsis in Hill's problem 2004
- Stability of surface motion on a rotating ellipsoid 2003
- The influence of reactive torques on comet nucleus rotation 2003
- Toward multiresolution estimation and efficient representation of gravitational fields 2002
- Stability in the full two-body problem 2002
- Changes in rotational angular momentum due to gravitational interactions between two finite bodies 2001
- Formation Flying Satellites: Control By an Astrodynamicist 2001
- J2-Invariant Relative Orbits for Spacecraft Formations 2001
- Secular motion in a 2nd degree and order-gravity field with no rotation 2001
- The effect of C22 on orbit energy and angular momentum 1999
- The restricted Hill four-body problem with applications to the Earth-Moon-Sun system 1998
- Exterior gravitation of a polyhedron derived and compared with harmonic and mascon gravitation representations of asteroid 4769 Castalia 1996
- Surfaces of zero velocity in the restricted problem of three bodies 1985