publication venue for
- Building a coordinated framework for research and monitoring in large-scale international marine protected areas: The Ross Sea region as a model system 2024
- The power of citizen science to advance fungal conservation 2024
- High-resolution satellite imagery meets the challenge of monitoring remote marine protected areas in the Antarctic and beyond 2022
- Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat 2021
- Reaching consensus for conserving the global commons: The case of the Ross Sea, Antarctica 2020
- Accounting for Life-History Strategies and Timescales in Marine Restoration 2017
- Certification, Forest Conservation, and Cattle: Theories and Evidence of Change in Brazil 2015
- Re-Evaluating Evidence for Past Population Trends and Predicted Dynamics of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears 2014
- Van Manen et al., Doth Protest too Much: New Analyses of the Yellowstone Grizzly Population Confirm the Need to Reevaluate Past Population Trends 2014
- The invasion of the freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata in Patagonia: prospects, strategies, and implications for biosecurity of invasive microorganisms in continental waters 2012