publication venue for
- Cislunar Space Domain Awareness Architecture Design and Analysis for Cooperative Agents 2024
- Optimization Over Families of Quasi-Periodic Orbits 2024
- Spacecraft to Spacecraft Absolute Tracking for Autonomous Navigation of a Distributed Space System from Relative Sensors 2024
- Classifying State Uncertainty for Earth-Moon Trajectories 2024
- Simulation and Analysis of Event Camera Data for Non-resolved Objects 2023
- Rapid and Automatic Reachability Estimation of Electric Propulsion Spacecraft 2023
- Motion Primitive Approach to Spacecraft Trajectory Design in a Multi-body System 2023
- Dynamics in the Vicinity of the Stable Halo Orbits 2023
- Low-Energy Boundaries on Vertical Motion Near the Secondary Body in the CR3BP 2023
- Fragment Cloud Evolution in Medium Earth Orbit 2022
- Perturbed Periodic Orbits as Landing Solutions with an Abort Option at Europa 2022
- Proximity Operations About Apophis Through Its 2029 Earth Flyby 2022
- Tasking and Estimation for Minimum-Time Space Object Search and Recovery 2022
- Observation and Maneuver Detection for Cislunar Vehicles Using Optical Measurements and the Optimal Control Based Estimator 2021
- The Feasibility of Targeting Chaotic Regions in the GNSS Regime 2021
- Radar and Optical Study of Defunct Geosynchronous Satellites 2021
- A Multi-Objective, Multi-Agent for the Global Optimization of Interplanetary Trajectories 2020
- Closed-Loop Software Architecture for Spacecraft Optical Navigation and Control Development 2020
- Sensitivity of Optimal Control Problems Arising from their Hamiltonian Structure 2020
- Special Issue John L. Junkins Dynamical Systems Symposium Celebrating 50 Orbits of Academic Excellence Texas A&M University College Station, TX May 20-21, 2018 2020
- A Drag Coefficient Modeling Approach Using Spatial and Temporal Fourier Expansions for Orbit Determination 2020
- Sundman-Transformed Differential Dynamic Programming with Modified Equinoctial Elements 2019
- Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks to Systematically Explore Solar Gravity Driven Transfers in the Martian System 2019
- Preliminary Results on Optimal Establishment of Solar Sail Formations 2019
- Spacecraft Electrostatic Force and Torque Expansions Yielding Appropriate Fidelity Measures 2019
- Volume Multi-Sphere-Model Development Using Electric Field Matching 2018
- Fully Numerical Methods for Continuing Families of Quasi-Periodic Invariant Tori in Astrodynamics 2018
- Low-Thrust Many-Revolution Trajectory Optimization via Differential Dynamic Programming and a Sundman Transformation 2018
- Rapid Charged Geosynchronous Debris Perturbation Modeling of Electrodynamic Disturbances 2018
- A Radial Axial-symmetric Intermediary Model for the Roto-orbital Motion 2018
- Spacecraft Dynamics Employing a General Multi-tank and Multi-thruster Mass Depletion Formulation 2018
- Geosynchronous Debris Conjunction Lead-Time Requirements for Autonomous Low-Thrust Disposal Guidance 2017
- Establishing a Formation of Small Satellites in a Lunar Flower Constellation 2016
- Space Weather Influence on Relative Motion Control using the Touchless Electrostatic Tractor 2016
- Touchless Electrostatic Three-dimensional Detumbling of Large Axi-symmetric Debris 2015
- Sun-Direction Estimation Using a Partially Underdetermined Set of Coarse Sun Sensors 2014
- Prospects of Relative Attitude Control Using Coulomb Actuation 2013
- Applications of Symplectic Topology to Orbit Uncertainty and Spacecraft Navigation 2012
- Geosynchronous Large Debris Reorbiter: Challenges and Prospects 2012
- Geosynchronous Large Debris Reorbiter: Challenges and Prospects 2012
- Applications of Geostatistics in Optimal Design of Satellite Altimetry Orbits and Measurement Configurations 2011
- Measuring Absolute Thermospheric Densities And Accommodation Coefficients Using Paddlewheel Satellites: Past Findings, Present Uses, And Future Mission Concepts 2011
- Seasat and Geosat Revisited: Using Sea Level Measurements to Improve Satellite Altimeter Orbits 2011
- The George H. Born Astronautics Symposium Preface 2011
- A Study of the Achievable Geosynchronous Angles-Only Orbit Estimation Accuracy 2011
- Nonsingular Attitude Filtering Using Modified Rodrigues Parameters 2009
- Orbit Determination and Sea Level Rise: How Astrodynamics Informs Us About the Climate 2009
- Third-Body-Driven vs. One-Impulse Plane Changes 2009
- Tethered Coulomb Structures: Prospects and Challenges 2009
- Orbit-Nadir Aligned Coulomb Tether Reconfiguration Analysis 2008
- Analytic Solutions for Equal Mass Four-Craft Static Coulomb Formation 2008
- Symmetric stereographic orientation parameters applied to constrained spacecraft attitude control 2007
- Analysis of relative navigation in high earth orbits 2007
- Fundamental limits on spacecraft orbit uncertainty and distribution propagation 2006
- Necessary conditions for circularly-restricted static coulomb formations 2006
- The potential of remote sensing for neutral atmospheric density estimation in a data assimilation system 2005
- Effects of orbit variations and J(2) perturbations on a class of earth-orbiting interferometric observatories 2005
- Stability bounds for three-dimensional motion close to asteroids 2002
- Spacecraft dynamics in the vicinity of a comet 2002
- The dynamics of formation flight about a stable trajectory 2002
- Satellite dynamics about small bodies: Averaged solar radiation pressure effects 1999
- An Instantaneous Eigenstructure Quasivelocity Formulation for Nonlinear Multibody Dynamics 1997
- The analysis of GPS attitude data from a slowly rotating, symmetrical gravity gradient satellite 1996
- Adaptive External Torque Estimation by Means of Tracking a Lyapunov Function 1996
- Globally Stable Feedback Laws for Near-Minimum-Fuel and Near-Minimum-Time Pointing Maneuvers for a Landmark-Tracking Spacecraft 1996
- Stereographic Orientation Parameters for Attitude Dynamics: A Generalization of the Rodrigues Parameters 1996
- Navigation analysis for Eros rendezvous and orbital phases 1995
- Optimal Cislunar Architecture Design Using Monte Carlo Tree Search Methods 2023
- Robust Initial Orbit Determination Using Streaks and Admissible Regions 2021
- Spacecraft Dynamics Employing a General Multi-tank and Multi-thruster Mass Depletion Formulation 2018