publication venue for
- Attitude Trajectory Optimization and Momentum Conservation with Control Moment Gyroscopes 2023
- Influence of Discretization in Dynamically Embedded Model Predictive Control 2023
- A spectral small-gain condition for input-to-state stability of infinite networks 2020
- Compositional Construction of Control Barrier Functions for Networks of Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems 2020
- Compositional Construction of Finite MDPs for Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems: A Dissipativity Approach 2020
- Data-Driven Verification under Signal Temporal Logic Constraints 2020
- Optimal actuator design for minimizing the worst-case control energy 2017
- A New Perspective to Synchronization in Networks of Coupled Oscillators: Reverse Engineering and Convex Relaxation 2015
- Abstraction Predictive Control for Chaotic Spacecraft Orbit Design 2015
- Eigenvalues for a Two-Lag Linear Delay Differential Equation∗∗Portions of this work were performed with support from DARPA, AFRL, and HRL, under contract FA8650–11���C–7158. Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited. 2015
- Maneuver Detection and Reconstruction of Stationkeeping Spacecraft at GEO using the Optimal Control-Based Estimator 2015
- Data-Driven Estimation of Infinitesimal Generators of Stochastic Systems 2021
- Data-Driven Safety Verification of Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates 2021
- Compositional Construction of Control Barrier Certificates for Large-Scale Interconnected Stochastic Systems 2020
- Compositional Synthesis of Symbolic Models for Infinite Networks 2020
- Granger Causality Based Hierarchical Time Series Clustering for State Estimation 2020
- Synthesis of Stochastic Systems with Partial Information via Control Barrier Functions 2020
- Wind Tunnel Testing of an Optimal Feedback/feedfoward Control Law for Wind Turbines 2020
- Set stability of infinite networks: ISS small-gain theory and its applications 2020
- Optimal sensor design for secure cyber-physical systems 2019
- Compositional Construction of Finite MDPs for Large-Scale Stochastic Switched Systems: A Dissipativity Approach 2019
- Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis for Cascade Discrete-Time Control Systems 2018
- Compositional Synthesis of Finite Abstractions for Continuous-Space Stochastic Control Systems: A Small-Gain Approach 2018
- Learning and Verification of Feedback Control Systems using Feedforward Neural Networks 2018
- A First-order Prediction-Correction Algorithm for Time-varying (Constrained) Optimization 2017
- A Linear Programming-based Iterative Approach to Stabilizing Polynomial Dynamics 2017
- Active Power Control of Waked Wind Farms 2017
- Compositional abstractions of networks of stochastic hybrid systems: A dissipativity approach 2017
- Control of Fully Actuated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Actuator Saturation 2017
- Detectability of Nondeterministic Finite Transition Systems 2017
- Lyapunov Function Synthesis - Infeasibility and Farkas' Lemma 2017
- Model Predictive Control for Track Following and Disturbance Rejection in a Tape Drive System 2017
- Models used for the simulation and control of a segmented ultralight morphing rotor 2017
- State-controlling Sets for Conjunctive Boolean Networks 2017
- On the Formation Rejoin Problem 2016