publication venue for
- Deglacial Temperature and Carbonate Saturation State Variability in the Tropical Atlantic at Antarctic Intermediate Water Depths 2023
- Development and Application of the Branched and Isoprenoid GDGT Machine Learning Classification Algorithm (BIGMaC) for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction 2023
- How Hot Is Too Hot? Disentangling Mid-Cretaceous Hothouse Paleoclimate From Diagenesis 2022
- Multiproxy Reconstruction of Pliocene North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures and Implications for Rainfall in North Africa 2022
- Decomposition of Deglacial Pacific Radiocarbon Age Controls Using an Isotope-Enabled Ocean Model 2022
- Seawater Cadmium in the Florida Straits Over the Holocene and Implications for Upper AMOC Variability 2022
- Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing of Multi-Decadal to Centennial Scale Variability of Sea Surface Temperature in the South China Sea 2021
- Carbon Cycling During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Compound-Specific Carbon Isotope Evidence From the Western Interior Seaway 2021
- Deep Ocean Storage of Heat and CO2 in the Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean During the Last Glacial Period 2021
- The Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus: Standardizing Heterogeneous Variables in Paleoscience 2021
- A Continuous Record of Central Tropical Pacific Climate Since the Midnineteenth Century Reconstructed From Fanning and Palmyra Island Corals: A Case Study in Coral Data Reanalysis 2020
- Developing a Coral Proxy System Model to Compare Coral and Climate Model Estimates of Changes in Paleo-ENSO Variability 2020
- A Century of Reduced ENSO Variability During the Medieval Climate Anomaly 2020
- Investigating ENSO-Related Temperature Variability in Equatorial Pacific Core-Tops Using Mg/Ca in Individual Planktic Foraminifera 2020
- Multiproxy Reduced-Dimension Reconstruction of Pliocene Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures 2020
- PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data 2019
- An El Nino Mode in the Glacial Indian Ocean? 2019
- Stable Isotope Constraints on Marine Productivity Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction 2019
- Sea Ice Control on Winter Subsurface Temperatures of the North Iceland Shelf During the Little Ice Age: A Tex(86) Calibration Case Study 2019
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal δ18O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 2019
- Data Constraints on Glacial Atlantic Water Mass Geometry and Properties 2018