subject area of
- A High-Density SNP Map of Sunflower Derived from RAD-Sequencing Facilitating Fine-Mapping of the Rust Resistance Gene R12 Journal Article
- Changes in Bacterial and Fungal Communities across Compost Recipes, Preparation Methods, and Composting Times Journal Article
- Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum Journal Article
- Genetic mapping of rust resistance genes in confection sunflower line HA-R6 and oilseed line RHA 397 Journal Article
- Identification of Resistance to New Virulent Races of Rust in Sunflowers and Validation of DNA Markers in the Gene Pool Journal Article
- Life at extreme elevations on Atacama volcanoes: the closest thing to Mars on Earth? Journal Article
- Molecular mapping of the rust resistance gene R4 to a large NBS-LRR cluster on linkage group 13 of sunflower Journal Article
- Molecular tagging of a novel rust resistance gene R (12) in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Journal Article
- Relocation of a rust resistance gene R 2 and its marker-assisted gene pyramiding in confection sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Journal Article
- Seasonal dynamics of previously unknown fungal lineages in tundra soils Journal Article