subject area of
- Bacteriophage SPP1 DNA replication strategies promote viral and disable host replication in vitro Journal Article
- Characterization of protein-protein interactions critical for poliovirus replication: Analysis of 3AB and VPg binding to the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase Journal Article
- Dengue virus non-structural protein 1 activates the p38 MAPK pathway to decrease barrier integrity in primary human endothelial cells Journal Article
- SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 mediated mRNA degradation requires mRNA interaction with the ribosome Journal Article
- SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers widespread host mRNA decay leading to an mRNA export block Journal Article
- Two-stage ML Classifier for Identifying Host Protein Targets of the Dengue Protease Journal Article
- Two-state model for helicase translocation and unwinding of nucleic acids Journal Article