subject area of
- A Case-Crossover Analysis of Indoor Heat Exposure on Mortality and Hospitalizations among the Elderly in Houston, Texas Journal Article
- A comparison of alternative 60-mer probe designs in an in-situ synthesized oligonucleotide microarray Journal Article
- Activating the DNA damage checkpoint in a developmental context Journal Article
- Acute heat stress reduces biomarkers of endothelial activation but not macro-or microvascular dysfunction in cervical spinal cord injury Journal Article
- Ageing and survival after different doses of heat shock:: the results of analysis of data from stress experiments with the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans Journal Article
- An uncapped RNA suggests a model for Caenorhabditis elegans polycistronic pre-mRNA processing. Journal Article
- B2 RNA and Alu RNA repress transcription by disrupting contacts between RNA polymerase II and promoter DNA within assembled complexes Journal Article
- Beating the heat: A translation factor and an RNA mobilize the heat shock transcription factor HSF1 Journal Article
- Cancer-linked satellite 2 DNA hypomethylation does not regulate Sat2 non-coding RNA expression and is initiated by heat shock pathway activation Journal Article
- Characterizing primary transcriptional responses to short term heat shock in Down syndrome Journal Article
- Endogenous extra-cellular heat shock protein 72: Releasing signal(s) and function Journal Article
- Heat Shock Causes a Reversible Increase in RNA Polymerase II Occupancy Downstream of mRNA Genes, Consistent with a Global Loss in Transcriptional Termination Journal Article
- Heat shock in C. elegans induces downstream of gene transcription and accumulation of double-stranded RNA Journal Article
- Human Alu RNA is a modular transacting repressor of mRNA transcription during heat shock Journal Article
- Identification of a novel cis-regulatory element involved in the heat shock response in Caenorhabditis elegans using microarray gene expression and computational methods Journal Article
- Multiple mild heat-shocks decrease the Gompertz component of mortality in Caenorhabditis elegans Journal Article
- Pattern Formation in the Longevity-Related Expression of Heat Shock Protein-16.2 in Caenorhabditis elegans Journal Article
- Stress biology: Complexity and multifariousness in health and disease Journal Article
- Structural Insights into Transcriptional Repression by Noncoding RNAs That Bind to Human Pol II Journal Article
- The U-shaped response of initial mortality in Caenorhabditis elegans to mild heat shock:: Does it explain recent trends in human mortality? Journal Article
- Visualizing hidden heterogeneity in isogenic populations of C-elegans Journal Article