Improved time to publication in Journal of Geophysical Research���Atmospheres Journal Article uri icon



  • Timely publication of manuscripts is important to authors and readers. AGU has significantly accelerated both the review and production processes for the Journal of Geophysical Research���Atmospheres (JGR‐Atmospheres). Via a number of mechanisms (e.g., shortening the time allotted for reviewer selection, manuscript reviews, and revisions), the mean time to first decision has been decreased from 98 days in 2007 to 50 days in 2011, and the mean time to final decision has been decreased from 132 days in 2007 to 71 days in 2011. By implementing a new content management system, adjusting the workflow for improved efficiency, requesting authors to proofread their manuscripts quicker, and improving monitoring and follow‐up to author and vendor queries, the mean production time from manuscript acceptance to publication has been decreased from 128 days in 2010 to only 56 days in 2012. Thus, in the past few years the mean time to publication of JGR‐Atmospheres has been cut in half. These milestones have been achieved with no loss of quality of presentation or content. In addition, online posting of “papers in press” on JGR‐Atmosphere's home page typically occurs within a few days after acceptance. JGR‐Atmospheres editors thank manuscript reviewers, authors, and AGU staff who have greatly contributed to the more timely review and publication processes. This information will be updated periodically on the JGR‐Atmospheres home page. A chart showing the average time from acceptance to publication for all of AGU's journals is available at

publication date

  • July 3, 2012

has restriction

  • closed

Date in CU Experts

  • June 3, 2021 10:18 AM

Full Author List

  • de Gouw J; Ghan S; Pryor S; Rudich Y; Zhang R

author count

  • 5

Other Profiles

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0096-3941

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 2324-9250

Additional Document Info

start page

  • 253

end page

  • 253


  • 93


  • 27