selected publications
journal article
- Radial velocity and wind measurement with NIMA-NWCA: Comparisons with human estimation and aircraft measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 704-719. 2001
- Inelastic models of lithospheric stress-11. Implications for outer-rise seismicity and dynamics. Geophysical Journal International. 54-72. 1996
- Inelastic models of lithospheric stress-I. Theory and application to outer-rise plate deformation. Geophysical Journal International. 39-53. 1996
- On the reliability of lithospheric constraints derived from models of outer-rise flexure. Geophysical Journal International. 887-902. 1995
- On The initiation of subduction. Journal of Geophysical Research. 651-665. 1991
- The density of Triton: A prediction. Geophysical Research Letters. 591-594. 1989
- Three-layered models of Ganymede and Callisto: Compositions, structures, and aspects of evolution. Icarus. 437-464. 1988
- Pluto's structure and composition suggest origin in the solar, not a planetary, nebula. Nature. 240-243. 1988
- Lunar composition: A geophysical and petrological synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research. 6338-6352. 1988