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Publications in VIVO

Pesce, Joseph E

Visiting Assoc Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Host galaxies and extended environments of Active Galactic Nuclei hosting supermassive black holes.


  • Active Galactic Nuclei, supermassive black holes


selected publications


courses taught

  • ARSC 4040 - Arts and Sciences Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2018 / Summer 2020 / Summer 2022 / Summer 2023
    Same as ARSC 5040.
  • ENVS 3100 - Topics in Applied Environmental Studies
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2018
    Covers a variety of topics not currently offered in the curriculum; offered depending upon instructor availability and student demand. Fulfills application requirement for Environmental Studies major. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours, provided topics vary. Recommended prerequisite: ENVS 1000.
  • PHYS 3000 - Science and Public Policy
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2021
    For nonscience majors. Reading, discussions, debates and lectures are used to study how science affects society economically, intellectually, and in terms of health and national security. Another focus is how government fosters and funds scientific activities. Department enforced prerequisite: completion of core science requirement.
  • PRLC 4010 - 21st Century Leadership
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2018 / Summer 2020 / Summer 2021
    An advanced course that focuses on critical analysis of leadership principles and techniques. Designed to provide theoretical and hands-on experience for individuals who wish to function in leadership roles at high levels of competence in the workplace and in the civic arena.

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