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Publications in VIVO

Porter, Joseph

Associate Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas



courses taught

  • CWCV 2010 - Topics in Western Civilization
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Offers in-depth consideration of one or more foundational traditions in Western civilization.
  • PHIL 2200 - Major Social and Political Theories
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Explores fundamental questions concerning the nature and legitimacy of major social and political institutions. Topics may include the nature of freedom; the meaning and value of democracy; competing conceptions of justice; the basis of political authority; civil disobedience; human dignity and individual rights; social conflict, tyranny, and war; just and unjust distributions of wealth; the relation between ethics and politics; the nature of political belief; and arguments for and against socialism, communism, libertarianism, and anarchism.


International Activities