Let-60 ras
Letter detection in German silent reading: Issues of unitization and syllable-final devoicing
Letter to Signora Frondosa (1556)
Letter to the editor, Comment & Response
Letter to the Readers, Dedicatory Letter to ’La chiaqlira dla banzola (1742)
Letteraturizzazione and Hellenic Rhetoric: An Analysis for Research with Extensions
Letterpress as Open Educational Practice
Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Christopher Hatton, 1590-91
Letters of Familial Admonition in Han and Six Dynasties China
Levels of explanation and the group process perspective
Levels of genetic variation in trees: influence of life history characteristics
Leveraging learner experience: Pedagogical scaffolding with refugee-background adults
Leveraging Libraries to Support Academic Technology
Levi, Margaret
Lexical and contextual predictability: Confluent effects on the production of vowels
Lexical borrowings from the Russian language and cultural integration.
Lexical skills in young children learning a second language: Methods, results, and clinical applications
Lexical subjects and the conflation strategy
Lexical Subversion in the Hijra Community
lHOW TO READ A MASCULINE CANON Gender and Indigenismo
Liberal Culture and the Capitalist Hegemony
Liberal fictions: The public-private dichotomy in media policy
Liberty, Connection, and Tyranny in the Novels of Jane Austen and the Aesthetic Movement of the Picturesque
Librarians and Curators as Co-teachers: Using Collaborative, Object-Based Teaching to Motivate Student Research and Inquiry
Licentious Cults and Bloody Victuals: Sacrifice, Reciprocity, and Violence in Traditional China
Lies To Manipulate, Misappropriate, and Acquire Government Power
Life History
Life History
Life in a task group