Conference Proceeding RDF
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- CrowdVerge: Predicting If People Will Agree on the Answer to a Visual Question
- Cruising Queer HCI on the DL: A Literature Review of LGBTQ plus People in HCI
- Crustal Deformation in Southern California Constrained by Radial Anisotropy From Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography
- Crustal motion measurements from the POLENET Antarctic Network: comparisons with glacial isostatic adjustment models
- Crustal structure and its tectonic implications to the Banda Arc-Australian continent collision revealed by teleseismic receiver functions
- Cryo-Electron Microscopy 3-D Analysis of heterodimeric KIF3 Motor Head Domains on Microtubules.
- cryo-EM Structure of Rice OSCA1.2 Elucidates the Mechanical Basis of Membrane Hyperosmolality Gating in Plants
- Cryogenic Decade-Passband Superconducting Integrated Diplexer
- Cryospheric applications of MISR data
- Crystalline coatings for ultra-low-noise optical cavities
- Crystalline order in strongly coupled ion plasmas
- Crystalline order in strongly coupled plasmas
- Crystallization-driven assembly of conducting organic nanostructures
- CS education re-kindles creativity in public schools
- CSAC Flight Experiment to Characterize On-Orbit Performance
- CSCW Research Ethics Town Hall
- CSDMS - A Modeling Framework for Simulating Earth Surface Processes
- CSDMS Tools to Promote Visibility of Open-source Model Code
- CSDMS: advancing research in the Geosciences by support finding, accessing, operating and coupling model integration tools for reproducible science
- CSGS: Adapting a Short Answer Scoring System for Multiple-choice Reading Comprehension Exercises.
- CSI Frankfurt 2022: Shortlisted abstracts for Echocardiography Journal
- CSLIM: Contextual SLIM Recommendation Algorithms
- CSU Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) Program: Developing "Teacher-Researchers" Through Paid Summer Research Experiences for Pre-Service and Early Career Science and Math Teachers
- CTH analysis of Tantalum EFP formation using the BCJ model
- CTMC: Cell Tracking with Mitosis Detection Dataset Challenge
- CU-NLP at SemEval-2016 Task 8: AMR Parsing using LSTM-based Recurrent Neural Networks
- CubeSat Based Sensors for Global Weather Forecasting
- CubeSat Cluster Deployment Track Initiation via a Radar Admissible Region Birth Model
- Cubesat Cluster Deployment Tracking with a CPHD Filter