Regulation of Axon Growth and Cytoskeletal Development
Regulation of IF3 expression in E.coli
Regulation of mRNA stability in yeast. Post-Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression
Regulation of photosynthetic light energy capture, conversion and dissipation in leaves of higher plants
Regulations Governing Spill Response Planning
Regulatory Rights: Civil Rights Agencies, Courts, and the Entrenchment of Language Rights
Reimagining the Strategic Plan for a Branch Library
Reinforcement Learning with Guarantees that Hold for Ever
Reinterpretation of fractures at Swift Reservoir, Rocky Mountain thrust front, Montana: Passage of a Jurassic forebulge?
Relational responsibility or dialogic ethics? A Questioning of Gergen and McNamee
Relational sharing outside the box: Communicating sexual fantasies in intimate relationships
Relational Typology
Relations Between Molecular and Continuum Gas Dynamics
Relationship distress: Assessment, definition, and implications for mental health diagnosis
Relationship distress: Impact on mental illness, physical health, children, and family economics
Relationship distress: Practical tools for clinical practice and public health
Relationships Between Dealers: The Social Organization of Illicit Drug Transactions
RELATIONSHIPS THAT MATTER Embodying absent kinships in the Japanese child welfare system
Relative Decline: Why Does It Induce War or Sustain Peace?
Relative Equilibria in the Full N-Body Problem with Applications to the Equal Mass Problem
Relative Prices of Food and the Volatility of Agricultural Commodities: Evidence for a Panel of Developing Economies
Relatively congruence modular quasivarieties of modules
Relativistic Velocities
Releasing/translating agency: A postcolonial disruption of the master’s voice among Liberian market women
Reliability-based Optimization of Civil and Aerospace Structural Systems
Reliable amplification of hyperthermophilic archaeal 16S rRNA genes by the polymerase chain reaction
Reliance Upon a Toxic Staple Crop