Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Formalizing Trust in Artificial Intelligence for Built Environment Decision-Making
- Formally Verified Neural Network Control Barrier Certificates for Unknown Systems
- Formation and control of coulomb crystals in trapped ion plasmas
- Formation and Maturation of Phase Separated Liquid Droplets by RNA Binding Proteins.
- Formation of a crack-free, hybrid skin layer with tunable surface topography on elastomers using gel-liquid infiltration polymerization
- Formation of Nanoscale Composites o fCompound Semiconductors Driven by Charge Transfer
- Formation of organic nitrates from reactions of alkanes and alkenes with OH radicals in the presence of NOX
- Formation of polymer stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals using a fluorinated diacrylate
- Formation path planning for optimal fuel and image quality for a class of interferometric imaging missions
- Formation, evolution and decay of a shear flow instability in the stable nocturnal boundary layer
- Forming 67P/CG and Other Jupiter-Family Contact Binaries by Tidal Disruption?
- Forming Anti-Racist and Counter-Hegemonic Spaces
- Formulation and Combustion of High Energy Low Cost Solid Ramjet Fuels at the Naval Weapons Center
- Formulation of a Hamiltonian Cauchy problem for solving optimal feedback control problems
- FormWriter - A little programming language for generating three-dimensional form algorithmically
- Formyl radical (HCO): Elementary reactions and the role in hydrocarbon combustion.
- Forster transfer based amplified spontaneous emission in conjugated polymer blends
- FORTIS: Pathfinder to the Lyman continuum
- Forty-one accessions have possible resistance to Diaporthe gulyae causing Phomopsis stem canker of sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
- Forward and reverse translocation of single RecBCD molecules on DNA
- Forward dynamics analysis of origami-folded deployable spacecraft structures
- Forward Genetic Screen for Regulators of ENS Development
- Forward Looking Reflections on GNSS-R
- FOSSIL – Fragments from the Origins of our Solar System: Exploring the Chemical Diversity of Comets, Asteroids, and Interstellar Dust at 1 AU
- Fossil magnetospheres confront newborn dynamos in the rapid braking zone
- Fostering an Asset Mindset to Broaden Participation through the Transformation of an Engineering Diversity Program
- Fostering discoveries in citizen science
- Fostering Inclusion and Teaching Equity in a Modern Physics for Engineers Course
- Foundations of a Multilayer Annotation Framework for Twitter Communications During Crisis Events