The Currency of Grief: 9/11 deaths, Afghan lives, and intimate intervention
The Cyber Worlds of Self-Injurers: Deviant Communities, Relationships, and Selves
The Cyber Worlds of Self-Injurers: Deviant Communities, Relationships, and Selves
The Darboux-Halphen system and the singularity structure of its solutions
The Death of Nancy 'Sikes', 1838-1912
The Death of Tragedy; or, The Birth of the Melodrama
The Debate on Geographical Indications at the WTO
The Decline of the Judicial Override
The Deer Island Indians and Common Law Performance
The Demographic Impact of the Mexican Revolution in the United States
The Density Matrix Renormalization Group in Quantum Chemistry
The Dental Ecology of Ring-Tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta)
The design of programs to monitor forest biodiversity: Lessons from the wog wog habitat fragmentation experiment
The Detention and Deportation Regime as a Conduit of Death MEMORIALIZING AND MOURNING MIGRANT LOSS
The Developing Scientist as Craftsperson
The development and analysis of climate datasets for national park science and management: A guide to methods for making climate records useful and tools to explore critical questions. Appendix E, in: 2012. Sierra Nevada Network Climate Reporting Protocol: Version 1.0. Natural Resource Report NPS/SIEN/NRR—2012/543.
The development and the use of an in vitro system for RNA replication
The Deviance Society
The Diaspora Speaks
The Diffusion Model of Speeded Choice, from a Rational Perspective
The Discontinuous Conduction Mode
The Discontinuous Conduction Mode
The discourse of dictatorship in Central Eastern Europe and the case of Hungarian “hate speech”
The Disruption of the Molecular Cloud Associated with the North America and Pelican Nebulae
The Distinction between Primary and Secondary Qualities in Ancient Greek Philosophy
The distribution of additive functions defined on short intervals
The distribution of the number of prime divisors of numbers of form $ab+1$
The diverse experiences of heritage speakers at a Guatemalan language school: Linguistic agency in the contact zone
The door knockers of Mansurah: Strong shaking in a region of low perceived seismic risk, Sindh, Pakistan