Conference Proceeding
Hands-on Tutorial: Experimentation with fairness-aware recommendation using librec-auto
Hands-on, Minds-on Spatial Visualization Workshops for First-Year Engineering Students,
Haploid genetic screens identify novel regulators of cell interaction and degranulation during cytotoxic lymphocyte-mediated cell death.
Happy or not: Generating topic-based emotional heatmaps for Culturomics using CyberGIS
Haptic rendering of data on unstructured tetrahedral grids
HapticBots: Distributed Encountered-type Haptics for VR with Multiple Shape-changing Mobile Robots
Hard processes in small systems
Hard to access the information in the healthcare system? I See! - an innovative touch-screen information board for pediatric hospitals
Hardware Demonstration of Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging via Compressive Sensing and μ-path Scans
Harmful Consequences of Illegal Interview Questions on Women’s Organizational Reactions.
Harmonic analysis and hypergroups
Harmonic generation in EBW injection into Plasmas
Harnessing Attosecond Science for Visualizing the Nanoworld
Harnessing Orbital Debris to Sense the Space Environment
Harnessing shared vibrations for energy transfer
Harnessing shared vibrations to control energy transfer
Harvestable vibrational energy from an avian source: theoretical predictions vs. measured values
Harvesting of Aircraft Radar Altimeter Sidelobes for Low-Power Sensors
Harvey flooding rescue in social media
Hasiguchi, H., T. Mori, L. Kantha, D. Lawrence, H. Luce, T. Mixa, R. Wilson, T. Tsuda and M. Yabuki, 2016. Shigaraki UAV radar Experiment: Application of UAAV technology to measurement of turbulent mixing in the atmosphere. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)/AGU Meeting, May 24, 2016, Chiba City, Japan.
Hateful People or Hateful Bots? Detection and Characterization of Bots Spreading Religious Hatred in Arabic Social Media
HathiTrust research center
HathiTrust Research Center: Computational Access for Digital Humanities and Beyond
Have Perceptions of Internet Advertising Value Changed Over Time?
Have the Ethics Changed? An Examination of Ethics in Advertising & Public Relations Agencies
Have You Got Anything to Declare? Neo-Colonialism, Information Systems, and the Imposition of Customs and Duties in a Third World Country.
Having it both ways: Distinguishable yet phase-coherent mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates
Hazard checking of timed asynchronous circuits revisited
Hazard Checking of Timed Asynchronous Circuits Revisited