Analysis of single cells and oligotrophic picoplankton populations using 16S ribosomal RNA sequences
Analysis of Wave Signatures in the Equatorial Ionosphere
Analytical and Experimental analysis of Bandgaps in Nonlinear One Dimensional Periodic Structures
Analyzing Economic Sanctions: Toward a Public Choice Framework
Analyzing Job and Occupational Content Using Latent Semantic Analysis
Analyzing the Role of Social Networks in School-Based Professional Development Initiatives
Anaphora in language processing: Transfer of cognitive strategies by native Chinese, Dutch, English, and Japanese speakers
Anaphora in popular written English narratives
Anarchy and Law: Mendelssohn on Philosophy and Judaism
Anasazi Pueblos of the Ancient Southwest
Anasazi Ritual Landscapes
Anasazi Towns in Context
Anatolian Crossroads: Achaemenid Seals from Sardis and Gordion
Ancient DNA
Ancient Pottery of the Mesa Verde Country: How Ancestral Pueblo People Made It, Used It, and Thought about It
And He Took Away Their Wings: Story and History in American Folk Traditions
And the Trees Stood Deep Rooted
Andean Magmatism
André Malraux
Andrew Law
Animal Anxieties: Straparola's 'Il re porco'
Animal Claqueurs: Statius, Silv. 2.4 and 2.5
Animal Experimentation
Animal Experimentation, Marginal Cases, and the Significance of Suffering
Animal Experimentation, Marginal Cases, and the Significance of Suffering
Animal models of autism.
Animal paleocommunity variability and habitat preference of the robust australopiths in South Africa
Animal Sheltering