Conference Proceeding
"Open Impacts Workgroup Report"
“Origen, Jerome’s Pauline Prefaces, and the Architecture of Exegetical Authority���
“Our dog probably thinks Christmas is really boring” — Re-mediating science education for feminist-oriented inquiry
“Panoramic Imagery of Physical Locations Inside Immersive Environments.”
"Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?" What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions
"Pray before you step out"
"Run Wild a Little With Your Imagination": Ethical Speculation in Computing Education with Black Mirror
“Singing in the Instrumental Ensemble Rehearsal: why do it, when t do it, and how to make a good sound”
“Singing in the Instrumental Ensemble Rehearsal: why do it, when t do it, and how to make a good sound”
"Stop Practicing! Make Yourself Marketable!"
"Stories Crossing Borders"-- reading and panel discussion/interview
"Tactile Experience with Warm Objects Alters Judgments and Decisions"
"The Improvisational Line: Moten and Lemon"
"The less I type, the beter": How AI Language Models can Enhance or Impede Communication for AAC Users
"The prettiest photos are the ones that have happy people in them": the use of photovoice in an upper-division physics capstone project course
"The Simulation Creation Toolkit: An Initial Exploration Into Making Programming Accessible While Preserving Computational Thinking "
“The Zones of Proximal Flow: Guiding Students Through A Space Of Computational Thinking Skills and Challenges,"
"This Applies to the Real World": Student Perspectives on Integrating Ethics into a Computer Science Assignment
“Threshold Tool”: Planning and evaluating educational technology integration programs
“Toward ‘emphatic free conversation’: What we can do for learners of Japanese as a foreign language to construct social relations through conversation.”
“Towards the awareness rising and cultivation of conversational skills, addressing Japanese speaking community with diversity: An analysis of free conversation between learners of Japanese.”
"UMR Annotation of Multiword Expressions."
"Video Unavailable": Analysis and Prediction of Deleted and Moderated YouTube Videos
"Voluntweeters": Self-Organizing by Digital Volunteers in Times of Crisis
"Waving the Muddy Shirt" EPILOGUE
"We Are the Product"
"We will never forget you [online]"
"Will it Stick? Exploring the Sustainability of Computational Thinking Education Through Game Design,"
"With most of it being pictures now, I rarely use it": Understanding Twitter's Evolving Accessibility to Blind Users
“With or without you”: Relationships and taking stock of their influence on work identity