Journal RDF
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- The Lion and the Unicorn: a critical journal of children's literature
- The Massachusetts review
- The Mathematical Intelligencer
- The Mathematical Scientist
- The Mennonite quarterly review
- The Midwest quarterly
- The Minnesota Review
- The Natural Resources Journal
- The Neuroscientist: reviews at the interface of basic and clinical neurosciences
- The New biologist
- The New Review of Film and Television Studies
- The New York Journal of Mathematics
- The New York review of books
- The New York times magazine
- The New York times on the Web
- The North American Journal of Economics and Finance
- The North American review
- The North Carolina historical review
- The Notre Dame law review
- The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education
- The Open Journal of Astrophysics
- The Pacific Review
- The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
- The Permanente Journal
- The Personalist
- The Personnel journal
- The Philosophical Quarterly
- The Physician and Sportsmedicine
- The Physics Teacher
- The Planetary Science Journal