Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Measurements of the winds of solar-like stars and their influence on extrasolar planets
- Measurements of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere using a novel H3O+time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometry instrument
- Measurements of water vapor and aerosol profiles over the ARM SGP site
- Measures Panel--How is the NTPP Evaluating Progress at Community-Wide, Project and Program Levels for Its Reports to Congress?
- Measuring 0.1-nm motion in 1 MS in an optical microscope with differential-back-focal-plane detection
- Measuring Bragg selectivity in soft holographic materials under strain
- Measuring Categorical Perception in Color-Coded Scatterplots
- Measuring Community Resilience and Recovery: A Content Analysis of Indicators
- Measuring Computing Students' Perceptions of Social Presence and Engagement in Synchronous Remote v. In-Person Classes
- Measuring Distance “As the Horse Runs”: Cross-Scale Comparison of Terrain-Based Metrics
- Measuring elastic nonlinearity in a soft solid using a tilted acoustic radiation force for shear wave excitation
- Measuring enforcement windows with symbolic trace interpretation: what well-behaved programs say
- Measuring equitable science instruction at scale
- Measuring Eye Gaze for Cyclists
- Measuring impact crater depth throughout the solar system
- Measuring ISP Performance in Broadband America: A Study of Latency Under Load
- Measuring Multiple Potentials of a Rotating and Differentially-Charged Object Simultaneously Using X-rays
- Measuring Near Real Time River Discharge and Flood Data Worldwide by Utilizing Satellite-based Data.
- Measuring Non-Motorized Accessibility: Issues, Alternatives, and Execution.
- Measuring Occupational Fatigue: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison of Subjective and Objective Methods
- Measuring Optical Frequency Ratios with Uncertainties Below 10(-17) via the Boulder Atomic Clock Network
- Measuring optical phases of Kerr frequency combs
- Measuring Orbital Angular Momentum of Light With a Single, Stationary Lens
- Measuring performance of peer prediction mechanisms using replicator dynamics
- Measuring Photoelastic Constants with Schaefer-Bergmann Diffraction
- Measuring semantic content to assess asymmetry in derivation
- Measuring Situational Awareness Aptitude Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Measuring social interactions in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) using Encounternet proximity tags