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- CHEN 3210 - Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer
- CHEN 3211 - Chemical Engineering Mass Transfer
- CHEN 3220 - Chemical Engineering Separations and Mass Transfer
- CHEN 3320 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- CHEN 3660 - Energy Fundamentals
- CHEN 3930 - Chemical Engineering Cooperative Education
- CHEN 4090 - Undergraduate Seminar
- CHEN 4130 - Chemical Engineering Laboratory
- CHEN 4330 - Chemical Engineering Reaction Kinetics
- CHEN 4440 - Chemical Engineering Materials
- CHEN 4450 - Polymer Chemistry
- CHEN 4460 - Polymer Engineering
- CHEN 4480 - Solar Cells and Optical Devices for Sustainable Buildings
- CHEN 4520 - Chemical Process Synthesis
- CHEN 4521 - Physical Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEN 4530 - Chemical Engineering Design Project
- CHEN 4570 - Instrumentation and Process Control
- CHEN 4801 - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- CHEN 4802 - Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices
- CHEN 4805 - Biomaterials
- CHEN 4810 - Biological Engineering Laboratory
- CHEN 4820 - Biochemical Separations
- CHEN 4830 - Chemical Engineering Biokinetics
- CHEN 4836 - Nanomaterials
- CHEN 4838 - Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
- CHEN 5090 - Seminar in Chemical Engineering
- CHEN 5150 - Biomolecular Kinetics, Transport, and Thermodynamics
- CHEN 5160 - Systems Analysis of Cells and Tissues
- CHEN 5210 - Transport Phenomena
- CHEN 5370 - Intermediate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics